Star Wars Hype Thread

Post #38 on this thread contains spoilers. You've been warned. I'm abandoning this thread. Thanks @carp.
Waiting for it to start now with my boy. I was 5 when the original came out, pretty sure this matched my expression for the whole movie too!


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Cant decide whether or not to bring my almost 6 year old, he loves Star Wars and has seen them all, not sure if new one is too dark and the whole theatre experience might be too much.
If anyone on this forum was going to post something like that, it would be that clown. Completely in character from what I've seen.
Right. He wants to be taken seriously as a bonsai professional, then he posts juvenile, irritating posts like that. I'm suspecting a chemical imbalance...
Well, he is the youngest curator of a major bonsai collection in the world!
I mean, come on, you think you could get away with a hype thread without spoilers? No where on the internet is safe.
And after the word "Han" you should have known better to continue reading.
Seriously. It's a movie. Totally fiction.
It's going to be out on DVD and Blu Ray in 2 months anyways.

Here are some of the better comment's I got on Facebook:

Jesse Gonzalez He pretty much 360 no scoped you all.
Like · Reply · 7 · December 19 at 8:08pm

Adam Cuete Molina And with a month left, Seth makes his run at "hater of the year" you got my vote !!
Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 2:44pm

Austin Green I'm high I better forget this in the morning!
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 5:25am

Brenden Everdyke Seriously don't you have more productive things to do with your time... Like kill yourself.
Like · Reply · 22 hrs · Edited

Anthony Lorusso Bigger spoiler, there's no one named Kyle Ren in the movie dipshit
Like · Reply · 6 · December 19 at 5:27pm
Thomas Alessandro LOL I ffucking almost choked laughing.
Unlike · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 11:42am

Scott West Wow...all day I hadn't seen a spoiler and you picked eminem and billboard to spoil star wars...
Like · Reply · 44 · December 18 at 7:39pm
Oh, I dropped the spoiler on a totally unrelated article about Eminem. Total fucking savage sneak attack. Do it for the lulz.
That's what the ignore list is for, and why that person is on mine. Online time is much more enjoyable when one is not encumbered by idjits. Far as the new movie...I have not seen it yet, but certainly will be going after the holidays. I'm not a fan of big crowds so I'll wait till they thin out a bit sometime in January to see it. Being a child of the 70's I grew up a huge Star Wars fan as a kid so I am looking forward to seeing it. All the reviews I have heard were really good so far.
Right. He wants to be taken seriously as a bonsai professional, then he posts juvenile, irritating posts like that. I'm suspecting a chemical imbalance...
I'm confused, should I know this person? He sounds like he's really well known but these actions don't match the person.
Oh, I dropped the spoiler on a totally unrelated article about Eminem. Total fucking savage sneak attack. Do it for the lulz.

"today i knocked a babys bottle out of their mouth, pushed an old lady out of my way and clubbed a baby seal to death with a set of branch pruners. i did it for the lulz. BWAHAHA HAHA"

you might get away with it for a bit on the internet - but one day those dick moves are gonna get your 90lb ass kicked out in the real world so dont say nobody ever warned you it would happen.

and if anybody is selling tickets to that event - put me down for 3....
He often speaks as if he wants to be more serious about bonsai, but even if his smart ass mouth doesn't get his ass kicked it sure is giving people he doesn't know on the internet a negative impression of him, people across the country who are in various bonsai circles.
He often speaks as if he wants to be more serious about bonsai, but even if his smart ass mouth doesn't get his ass kicked it sure is giving people he doesn't know on the internet a negative impression of him, people across the country who are in various bonsai circles.

well thats pretty common among young people - but they usually grow out of it when they reach adulthood. just seems like the younger generations keep pushing that magical age of adulthood further and further out than they used to.
He often speaks as if he wants to be more serious about bonsai, but even if his smart ass mouth doesn't get his ass kicked it sure is giving people he doesn't know on the internet a negative impression of him, people across the country who are in various bonsai circles.
Yup, and first impressions are everything. I'm on the Atlanta Bonsai Bonsai Society board...pretty sure we won't be throwing any money his way any time soon.
His reputation is definitely getting around. What's that they say about karma?
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