Star Wars Hype Thread

I am excited, but my wife is not... Might have to get someone else to go with me.
Ok, now I'M REALLY HYPED since the movie has gotten an overall positive rating and rotten tomatoes (all hail the movie critic overlords) giving it a whopping 97%! I'm currently weaving my silk cocoon and almost ready to seal myself off.
I am so excited ! In the spring I want to start a Paper Birch Tree and name him Finn as well as a Desert Rose named Felusia . I'm a Star Wars Geeked Up Bonsai Nut!
wish i was more excited, but with disney, well...... "i have a bad feeling about this....".

I had the same feeling about the new sequel VII.

BUT I went to the theatre yesterday....and IT is ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS !!
Best movie of doubt at all !!

Many new atractive characters, new great actors, a very pleasurable new robot, thrilling story line, ect......
Only small critical note, it takes a lot of time to introduce these new figures and thats eats away a little bit in the storyline of the movie.

But what the hell...thats only a small downside... with the new figures we are again good for another 7 sequels and thats just great isn't it !?
I had the same feeling about the new sequel VII.

BUT I went to the theatre yesterday....and IT is ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS !!
Best movie of doubt at all !!

Many new atractive characters, new great actors, a very pleasurable new robot, thrilling story line, ect......
Only small critical note, it takes a lot of time to introduce these new figures and thats eats away a little bit in the storyline of the movie.

But what the hell...thats only a small downside... with the new figures we are again good for another 7 sequels and thats just great isn't it !?
What a great way to express your joy with the film but not spoil it
BUT I went to the theatre yesterday....and IT is ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS !!
And please please respect those who haven't seen it yet. I am sure you won't but I'm excited to see someone who is just as excited to see it react so positively to it after seeing it!
Off course I will not spoil it...No way!
I just loved it.
You all will ! I am so sure.

The feeling of the phantom Manece is back.
That was in my mind the best episode.
With : Jar Jar Binks, Sebulba, Destroyer Droid, Watto and Anakin Skywalker.
I was a lot younger then and i remenber....I was just blown away at that time.
Exactly the same thing happend yesterday.
I'm from the Original Trilogy generation, so my memories of Episode 1 are not so fond. I saw it on opening day, in the theatre and being underwhelmed, like maybe I just needed to see it again.

I try not to grumble too much about the prequels. I know people who grew up with them love them like I love the Originals.

I'll be going to see it next week, or maybe the week after (stupid Christmas getting in the way of my Star Wars!)
After Christmas Sales on Rosemary, Lavender, and Norway Island Pines should free up so funds to see Star Wars again and again plus give me new material. Attack on the Cones.
I thought this thread was going to have pics of some quasi Star Wars/Bonsai fanboy's attempt to merge the two with a collected RMJ in a BobaFett helmet for a pot or a JBP growing out of the remains of a Vader mask.

I will admit though that I have seen a few sumo Shohin Japanese Maples that had trunks that resemble Jabba the Hutt.

May the Force be with you.
@Jacos oh god I love that poster. If you have instagram you should follow him, he has amazing protulacaria afra trees. His instagram handle is gilbertcan2. He's amazing!!
Han Solo was killed by his son, Kyle Ren. Rey has Jedi powers and Luke Skywalker doesn't show up until the last 30 seconds and had no dialogue. Kyle Ren survives the explosion at the end, leaving it set up for him to be the villain in the next movie.
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