Star Wars Hype Thread


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Fairfax, Virginia
Need I say more? I'm simply ecstatic. I was listening to NPR one night and they had something on where the reporter interviews people who are standing in line for the new Star Wars in front of the TCL Chinese Theater in Hollywood now! The kicker is, why are they doing this when a really high percentage of theaters now have online ticket reservation WITH seat assignments. Their answer; it's tradition. Mind you, this was last week when the line formed. There's a union for people who go camp out so that these people would have reliable line savers to informing the public about certain charities. It's very neat stuff. I'm fortunate enough to live near one theater that has the true IMAX screen size at the Udvar Hazy Air and Space Museum. Unfortunately, I can't watch it until probably January :mad:... Who else is super excited?!
wish i was more excited, but with disney, well...... "i have a bad feeling about this....".
ive got our tix for next monday.
I can't wait, well I can and wont get to see it until the 23rd so I have to but from what I know and have seen so far I reckon it'll be a cracker.

We have the in-laws from France coming for Christmas so they get to look after the mentalists while Mum & Dad go to the movies for the first time in 7 years. Found a cinema who shows it in English and not sold out so that much is good.

Soo many questions too about who is who in the story line, where is Luke?
Who is Kylo Ren?
Plenty of theories abound but I'm going to have to go into a media blackout for a while, do we have spoiler tags on BN?
Please use them if so :)

Playing Battlefront hasn't helped either.
I have a star war watch, t shirt and hoody all ready and tickets as well. I'm excited for the fact that I love going to the movies with freinds and family. I look forward to a fun time and if it an amazing movie then maybe I'll go again lol.
My fiancee bought us a storm trooper hoodie a year ago and we plan to wear it to the movie. You could zip your hoodie up and that'll be your helmet. I find it pretty funny how since we're supposed to be clones, it's funny to imagine one short and one tall.
I don't have that much Star Wars stuff, just my old action figures and a few other things I've collected over the years. This is my standard nativity for christmas:
i decided few years back to start working on dioramas instead of just rows of toys sitting out. havent worked on it in some time - me and my ex used to build a lot of it together and my kid isnt as interested as much these days so theres still alot to be done.

half of the room is setup like that, other half is loose and boxed figures randomly displayed. its mostly star wars, but fairly large transformer gi joe and comic book fig collections from when i was a yoot (not a lot of modern stuff as im just not that into the prequels etc).

the idea was top row for episode 4, second 5, third 6 etc - with select scenes from each movie chosen and arranged together to display as much as possible. its a pretty large collection so the idea was to cram as much together and still try to have an interesting display. around the top of the room is shelving for larger items (since its too high to see smaller items) - again to try and use every square inch of space.
i would dress up, but im a closet geek. in a real big closet ...

View attachment 89147 .

Crap, that is a rabbit hole my wallet doesn't want to go down.
We have a few bits and bobs but nothing like that envious collection.
I guess the best thing we have is an Astromech R2-D2.

Also that nativity scene made me laugh more than it should of.
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