That's the nice thing, I don't have to pay myself min wage. I dunno where you come up with a $100/year for one tree, esp when you are mass producing.
I don't get bulk prices and it would cost me roughly $2-$3 for pots/soil to grown a small tree/seedling for a few year (assuming i didn't recycle).
Hard to imagine they would sell a 2-3 year old tree for a loss of $160.
Even small time people can do 1000's of maples at a time....mostly cuttings.
People sell 1-2 year old cuttings for somewhere between $10-$20, and still claim to make a profit.
It's funny because you can get trees online that aren't called bonsai or JM for somewhere in that range.
It would make sense if you pay more for quality, not really so, most of the maples you see look bad if you aren't buying a bonsai tree.
Let's just assume on the cheap end, i'm watering/fertilizing a 1000 seedlings for a hour twice a week at $10 a hour (Why would you not have automated) $1,120 a year, just in labor. or you can double it with taxes to $2,240...i don't care. $2.40 in care. Plus i pay .30 cents- $1 for each time i pot/repot/soil for materials. You are looking at somewhere around $5-$6 a year, which i think is still on the high side.
You also assume these trees get care, most trees at a nursery i see are pot bound, dry/bad soil, i find it hard to believe they don't just set them in a corner and do nothing but water.
Obv, there is a lot of little stuff to pay for as a nursery. The biggest IMO would be the up front cost of buildings, but not really necessary for everyone.
I'd really like to see any data where you are mass producing seedlings and it cost a $100 a tree/yr. You must being doing something wrong, or not making a profit...then why are you doing it?
IMO, it has nothing to do with the cost of making them, i can get about the same time/labor trees that are common conifers for $5-$25.
It's about what they can get people to pay for them, problem is, i see a lot of them go to waste from lack of care or no one wants to buy them.
If i'm not getting anyone to buy my trees for $100-$200, but i lower the price and sell them all for $50-$100/each. Not only am i reaping the money, it's also less overhead because i don't have them on a lot for 6 months to 5 years. (turnover)
I've seen the same trees sit on nursery lots for years because no one wants to spend that kind of money on them, so they are keeping lot space trying to sell these trees no one wants for $300. If they are spending $100/yr in care then they are losing tons of money each year by not reducing prices.
BTW, I do my own seeds, quit a bit. Most of my cost is in buying seeds, as it's hard to find good trees seeds, esp Maples. Even at retail prices i spend about $2/tree on pots/soil if the seedling made it past the first winter. But other than labor i would have little to no cost if i had trees to take cuttings from every year (which i'm working on). If i wanted to get super cheap i'd use those 2x2 crappy plastic seedling pots that cost 6 cents a piece.