Soil Recipie?

Catlitter (also jokingly known as 'Kittydama') or Diatomaceous Earth or 'Diatomite' For anyone living in the UK, I would wholeheartedly recommend 'Tescos Premium Lightweight Cat litter'. This fired clay has excellent properties as a bonsai soil.

I have been using this 'soil' for all of my trees for a number of years now and would not switch to anything else. It is very cheap and given that almost everyone in the UK lives within 5 miles of a Tesco Supermarket, it is easily obtainable.

For more information about inorganic soils, sorces for these soils around the world, please see this article Cat Litter as Bonsai Soil

... as a matter of fact Harry has a complete listing for varius countries contributed and udpdated to his site by various members of the net.
... as a matter of fact Harry has a complete listing for varius countries contributed and udpdated to his site by various members of the net.

Yep, that's where I found Napa Auto Parts "Super Absorb" under the USA section. I bound a 25# bag for $6.00. Great info he has there.
Yes, in powder form it has different uses. But this is granular about the size of cat litter. In fact, the first run off when you water it can be collected and put in a spray bottle and used to spray and kill aphids and other pests.
Also-here is proof I have Hokkaido Elm cuttings with roots. These cutting are my 2 month old cuttings. I used half DE and half tree & shrub mix, dipped in Rootone and watered with Superthrive to start.

Hokkaido Elm Cuttings

The 4 month old cuttings (not shown in pictures) are removed from their mini-greenhouse and potted in a bigger pot. They are doing well, hardening off their new growth. I still keep them in my big greenhouse for now, getting part sun

I didn't expect them to do anything (becasue honestly I never tried this before with Hokkaido Elms) but was stoked when they rooted! Now just to keep them living.....
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