SI have decided to go back into bonsaiNut ya guys.

What happened this time?
Completely unclear. I cannot find anything. Maybe the fact that nobody has ever heard of a 1/4 1/8 rule?
I have decided to go back into bonsaiNut seclusion. This is not a place I wish to post work to any longer, and in fact if it was in my power I would remove everything I have ever posted here. The forum is not capable of removing the person from the work, and the truth hurts people, I can understand. If you are unable to take a look at your self from my perspective and take the things I post with the intent written, I get it. This place is supposed to be about bonsai, bonsai work, not words or help me or what can I make from this. Look around, there are plenty of places to see bonsai, look at your plant, does it have the bones to make a bonsai, then throw it away when you actually see the difference. Stop busting everyone's chops with the pathetic dieing plants. Anyway I've already said too much, feelings are being hurt as I write....the truth....again!

Maybe I will see you at a show, I'll say hi.
See you tomorrow
Any forum should have a policy where maudlin rage-quit letters are immediately locked and deleted.

I say that as someone who admires his work too.

Seen it too much. Many such cases. Sad!
I looked for the AVERTED READING post u made ,smoke.
That was pretty funny.I laughed🙋‍♂️
have a good one.
I would guess that Smoke is "super sensitive". I am that way and also borderline empath. It's usually develops from very early on negative upbringings. It's not fun to live with sometimes. I have read books and understand, and deal much better with it now. Feelings and emotions run high and we are easily hurt. I feel emotions that a lot of you have never felt. Imaginary things go on in your mind that can create all kinds of problems. Some learn how to deal with it, some don't. The lack of understanding by the affected, or caring from others is hard to deal with. If you piss me off or insult me, I WILL (silently) give you the one finger salute, but hopefully will not open my mouth. I feel sadness for smoke. Tough out there!

PS: If I have a choice of how to be recreated, I would not want to be different. I love the emotions! You just have to learn how to deal with it
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I love the emotions!

Mad respect!

It takes a lotta balls to come out with shit like this.
Nothing is more vulnerable than "hey I'm vulnerable".

Good for you!

I think it is important to note that the "system" loves labels, and while some labels are correct, more often than not, no one fits under a label. And trying to get out from under one particular label is what leads to the failure to find freedom of soul.

My Sorceress is "defensive".

This leads to signs of everything from Bi-Polar to Narcissism, Schizophrenia to Simple Cuntisms.

They've been treating symptoms for so long, and making up new definitions of "problems" due to different "symptoms" that these motherfuckers don't even know what they are talking about!

Expanding knowledge of the breadth of HUMAN possiblity is the ONLY REAL cure.

I recommend watching the show about the Russian Kid raised by Dogs.
Them watch anything by Elon Musk.

Once we know that it's HUMAN to feel any of these emotions, to be a dog or a genius, it becomes easier to accept who WE are.

There is nothing WRONG with any of us.

It's Society that is fucked up, we just have to live in it.


No less than a month ago I was hoping Smoke came back cuz I missed him.

Wish it lasted longer.

Oh boy!
I didn't even know he was back.
I don't appear here as much as I used to but I haven't been gone that long and Al has already made a come back tour?
And ended it early I see.
Like COH said,he'll be back.
He can't help himself.
Al is a great bonsai artist. But sometimes he gets flustered over not much really.
I've learned a lot from him even if he doesn't know it.
From here and his blog.
I actually read his blog before I found the Nut.
Mad respect!

It takes a lotta balls to come out with shit like this.
Nothing is more vulnerable than "hey I'm vulnerable".

Good for you!

I think it is important to note that the "system" loves labels, and while some labels are correct, more often than not, no one fits under a label. And trying to get out from under one particular label is what leads to the failure to find freedom of soul.

My Sorceress is "defensive".

This leads to signs of everything from Bi-Polar to Narcissism, Schizophrenia to Simple Cuntisms.

They've been treating symptoms for so long, and making up new definitions of "problems" due to different "symptoms" that these motherfuckers don't even know what they are talking about!

Expanding knowledge of the breadth of HUMAN possiblity is the ONLY REAL cure.

I recommend watching the show about the Russian Kid raised by Dogs.
Them watch anything by Elon Musk.

Once we know that it's HUMAN to feel any of these emotions, to be a dog or a genius, it becomes easier to accept who WE are.

There is nothing WRONG with any of us.

It's Society that is fucked up, we just have to live in it.


No less than a month ago I was hoping Smoke came back cuz I missed him.

Wish it lasted longer.

Elon musk aye? What videos? Dude honestly creeps me out a little... watched his A.I. video with Joe rogan. When you watch him speak, you will notice how intensly his mind works, he analyses and calculates his words each and every time before he speaks. Mad respect for him though, dudes a genius. Always thought it was funny he only had to get a hole digging permit to build those tunnels in CA.
I think he wouldn't say anything if you sent him a Viagra.

I just hope he doesn't have a foot fetish?

My grandma had to have toes amputated due to diabetes.

I hope the new Mrs. Smoke isn't going through this. But if she is, it's good to know this grey haired, big bellied, gun toting motherfucker loves her!

If its him having toes cut off, he should shove them in his tight Fresno County BOOTY hole!


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