Yes you are right. That's why I am working closely with the club "sensei" of trees. We looked at it very closely yesterday and what I am doing I am clearing with him. He is "pretty" ...sure... that it is going to pull through. He even advised the addition of some plugs as a "possible" good thing. I chose the corners because I am certain that no root development has occurred this past year and figured (correctly) that the corners would be the place LEAST likely to find any roots to wreck.
I do hope it pulls through. I also DO wish it weren't a SCOTS pine and the only reason I got it in the first place was when I was JUST "thinking" of bonsai and got it from an old nursery that sold willy-nilly stuff and is now out of business.
My mugo and JBP are having no problems.
When I got it I had no idea that there WERE different pines.
This "range" for Scots kinda shows why I ...may.... be having such a go-round with it.
Another insult was this past summer. Thinking to keep it in FULL SUN, the poor thing was in the middle of the yard with 112 degree "sun."
Yesterday we decided that this tree has to have afternoon shade here in the California Central Valley KILN !!!