Imperial Masterpiece
Thanks for the excellent write up! I'll be using this info next year.
Thank you WGW! I’m glad you got something out of it.
Thanks for the excellent write up! I'll be using this info next year.
Crazy white! Do you add micorrhyzae to your soil? How many years was it in that soil before the repot?
Great work and in such short time. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the update.. I have some questions. Where in relation to the scion are you inserting the grafting nails? along side the scion or through the scion and up-side-down flat that you created with the chisel? I've done a little picture of how I understand the method below. Are the nails placed in the red dot locations or the blue? and if its the red dot locations do the rubber on the grafting nail hold the up-side-down 'L's flap closed? also aren't you worried that you could disturb the trunk/scion grafting union when hammering in the nails?
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Please correct me if I have misunderstood anything re the above diagram.
Thanks @markyscott also your grafts now look quite leggy now, how are you planning to shorten them? will you be aiming to cut back to the old set of needles at some point (red line)?
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