Shady ground or sunny pots?


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With regards to thickening trunks on developing material which would be best? Large pots in a sunny position or ground grown in a spot that gets a bit of sun in the early morning and again in the evening?
There must be a billion details to consider.

The largest difference between the 2 scenarios is root control. Sunny spot in pots has more root control. So that would determine which where for me.

But soil, pests, wind, pot material, etc, etc, all come into the equation too.

Generally ground growing is faster route to increasing trunk diameter. But obviously, the sun requirements for the specific tree species must be taken into account.

A sun loving juniper in a large pot in the full sun position will thrive, where the same juniper in the ground, in the shade will likely slowly languish and die.

Ground grow shade tolerant trees, like Carpinus and Japanese maples, in your shady spot. Container grow sun lovers in your sunny spot.
Ok cheers guys, time to research which of my trees will do ok in a shady spot and/or dig up some more of the front lawn, don't think that'll go down too well tho. ;)
Note that in the UK, you will have sunlight that is much less intense than most in the USA experience, UK being quite far north. I for one do not have any species that will not take full sun. My maples, Yews accept that they do not get full sun but would develop better (Tighter growth, smaller leaves / needles) in full sun
Depends! Most conifers best in sunny area(qualified by MOST). Hemlocks do OK without full sun. Most deciduous do fine part shady(qualified by MOST). Oaks mostly like sun and helps keep leaves smaller.
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