Seed and seedling trade, swap thread.

You can grow so much that I cannot!

And have so many species I'd love to grow.

The grass always seems greener. I constantly think, ”if I only lived in zone 8 . . . “.

Unless it‘s a hardy species that I’ve put in the ground to thicken up, I’ve been using some shipping containers that I have for overwintering oysters. (I am a small-time, part-time oyster farmer). That has worked the last few (relatively warm) winters but, I need to come up with a better solution.
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The grass always seems greener. I constantly think, ”if I only lived in zone 8 . . . “.

Unless it‘s a hardy species that I’ve put in the ground to thicken up, I’ve been using some shipping containers that I have for overwintering oysters. (I am a small-time, part-time oyster farmer). That has worked the last few (relatively warm) winters but, I need to come up with a better solution.
Cool!! I used to work at a fish market/smokehouse!!

Bearcats, it is/was called.
I have Acer Palmatum seeds harvested from an Oshio-Beni, Acer Plantanoides seeds, Acer Triflorum seeds, and some Acer Rufinerve seeds. All of them are freshly harvested. I'm interested in trading mainly for some Acer Shirasawanum, or Pinus Densiflora seeds, but am open to any offer if anyone is interested in what I have to trade.
I have Acer Palmatum seeds harvested from an Oshio-Beni, Acer Plantanoides seeds, Acer Triflorum seeds, and some Acer Rufinerve seeds. All of them are freshly harvested. I'm interested in trading mainly for some Acer Shirasawanum, or Pinus Densiflora seeds, but am open to any offer if anyone is interested in what I have to trade.
SUPER INTERESTED!! In Rufinerve and Three flowered Maple!!!

I have a maple cultivation obsession!!!!

PM me..

SUPER INTERESTED!! In Rufinerve and Three flowered Maple!!!

I have a maple cultivation obsession!!!!

PM me..

I'm having issues sending a message for some reason. Maybe try messaging me first and I'll be able to reply?
I have been growing trees from seed for the last four to five years. I usually plant all the seed in the packet and end up with multiple seedlings of each species. In addition, I have purchased some saplings and pre-bonsai in multiples just in case I kill the tree species I’m interested in owning. The following list was quickly compiled so, I may have accidentally listed a species twice. I’m sure there are a few I overlooked also so, if there is something you don’t see listed, please ask. At the risk of looking completely insane, here goes . . .


Coast Redwood (high elevation), Dawn Redwood, European Hornbeam, Japanese Maple, Japanese Red Pine, Tamarack, Japanese Black Pine, English Oak, Japanese Larch, Japanese Yew, Yeddo Hornbeam, Oriental Hornbeam, American Hophornbeam, Oriental Hackberry, Sugar Hackberry, Judas Tree, Stewartia, Juneberry, Saskatoon Serviceberry, Blackthorn, Witch hazel, Trident Maple, Rough Bark Japanese Maple, Ponderosa Pine, Honeylocust, Cockspur Hawthorn, Vine Maple, Amur Maple, Mountain Hemlock, Japanese Privet, Hardy Rubber tree, Koyama Spruce, Sakhalin Spruce, Seibold Maple, American Dwarf Birch, Alaska Yellow Cedar

Saplings/Young Trees

Temple Juniper (Juniperus rigida), Cider Gum, Crab Apple, European Hornbeam, Colorado Blue Spruce, White Spruce, Norway Spruce, Giant Sequoia, Sitka Spruce, Scots Pine, Japanese Maple, Japanese Flowering Cherry, Weeping Higan Cherry, Japanese Red Pine, Tamarack, Japanese Black Pine, Cryptomeria, Boulevard Cypress, Black Poui (Jacaranda), Flame tree (Delonix Regia) , Paper Bark Birch, Asian White Birch, Szechwan White Birch, Chinese Wisteria, Eastern White Pine, Japanese Umbrella Pine, Brazilian Rain Tree, Mimosa, Pitch Pine, American Holly, English Oak, English Yew, Japanese Larch, Japanese Yew, Japanese White Pine, Eastern Hemlock, Mugo Pine, Eastern Red Cedar, Atlantic White Cedar, Northern White Cedar, American Beech, European Beech, Katsura Tree, European Hornbeam, Rowan Tree, Trident Maple, Rough Bark Japanese Maple, Chinese Elm, Japanese Zelkova, Satsuki Azalea, Tiger Bark Ficus, Willow Leaf Ficus, Ginkgo Biloba, Elegant Maple, American Beautyberry, Japanese Beautyberry, Japanese Snowbell, Japanese Privet, Hong Kong Kumquat, Kousa Dogwood, Douglas Fir, Korean Fir, Dawn Redwood, French Lilac, Afghan Pine, Wild Grape, Rowan Tree, Japanese Barberry, Douglas Maple, American Elm, Dappled Willow, Sugar Maple, Date-Plum Persimmon, Common Persimmon, Dwarf Tanoak, Sea Buckthorn, Deodar Cedar, Scarlett Firethorn, Japanese Flowering Quince, Japanese Camellia, Cyprus Cedar, Golden Chain Tree, Yellowhorn, Black locust, Chinese Wisteria, Blackthorn, Silverberry, Grewia

Let me know if you have any interest in trading.
Hey there! I’m very interested in Japanese Flowering Cherry and Flowering Quince. Also interest in Ponderosa Pine.

I’m in Providence, RI and it would be easy to drive to the Cape sometime.
I'd be interested in [ European | Korean ] Hornbeam, [ American | Sugar | Oriental ] Hackberry, [ European | American | Japanese ] Beech, and/or Hophornbeam.

I've got unsexed Princess Persimmons, Gardenia and Dwarf Gardenia cuttings, Shimpaku, and Musk Maple.
I'd be interested in [ European | Korean ] Hornbeam, [ American | Sugar | Oriental ] Hackberry, [ European | American | Japanese ] Beech, and/or Hophornbeam.

I've got unsexed Princess Persimmons, Gardenia and Dwarf Gardenia cuttings, Shimpaku, and Musk Maple.
Wondering which you were interested in, seeds or seedlings? I have seeds for pretty much every species of common hornbeam; European (Betulus), Korean (Coreana/Turczaninovii), American (Caroliniana), and Japanese (Japonica).
Wondering which you were interested in, seeds or seedlings? I have seeds for pretty much every species of common hornbeam; European (Betulus), Korean (Coreana/Turczaninovii), American (Caroliniana), and Japanese (Japonica).
SeedLINGs. The double dormancy w/ many hornbeam species confounds me and ends up moldy.
SeedLINGs. The double dormancy w/ many hornbeam species confounds me and ends up moldy.
Yea they can be a bit trickier to germinate than most species, but based on what I've seen myself and read you can get decent results with scarification and stratification. Getting the seeds into warm stratification before they get too dry seems to help more than anything else. The germination percentage with hornbeam decreases much more than most species as the moisture content of the seeds goes down.
Here's an updated seed list of mine, open to any offers if anyone sees anything they like. I've listed the cultivar the seeds were collected from when applicable, but as most people on here already know that doesn't guarantee you will end up with a plant similiar to the cultivar listed. A lot of these also aren't suitable for bonsai, but I've decided to still list them anyway.

Acer Campestre "Royal Ruby" - Field Maple
Acer Campestre - Field/Hedge Maple
Acer Ginnala - Amur Maple
Acer Griseum - Paperbark Maple
Acer Japonicum 'Aconitifolium' - Fern Leaf Japanese Maple
Acer Maximowiczianum - Nikko Maple
Acer Palmatum 'Atropurpureum' - Japanese Maple
Acer Palmatum (Japonicum?) "Ukigumo" - Japanese Maple
Acer Palmatum 'Viridis var. dissectum' - Japanese Maple
Acer Platanoides "Crimson Queen" - Norway Maple
Acer Rufinerve - Redvein Maple
Acer Shirasawanum "Aureum" - Full Moon Maple
Acer Shirasawanum "Lovett" - Full Moon Maple
Acer Shirasawanum "Microphyllum" - Small Leaf Full Moon Maple
Acer Tartaricum "Rugged Charm" - Tatar/Tatarian Maple
Acer Triflorum - Three-flower Maple

Carpinus Betulus - European Hornbeam
Carpinus Caroliana - American Hornbeam
Carpinus Coreana/Turczaninowii - Korean Hornbeam
Carpinus Japonica - Japanese Hornbeam

Cercus Canadensis - Eastern Redbud

Larix Laricina - American Larch/Tamarack

Pinus Bungeana - Lacebark Pine
Pinus Densiflora "Oculus Draconis" - Japanese Red Pine

Zelokva Serrata - Japanese Zelkova
Have a heap of trident maple, amur maple, and sugar maple seeds. Would be happy to trade for red or silver maple seeds/seedlings.
I have been growing trees from seed for the last four to five years. I usually plant all the seed in the packet and end up with multiple seedlings of each species. In addition, I have purchased some saplings and pre-bonsai in multiples just in case I kill the tree species I’m interested in owning. The following list was quickly compiled so, I may have accidentally listed a species twice. I’m sure there are a few I overlooked also so, if there is something you don’t see listed, please ask. At the risk of looking completely insane, here goes . . .


Coast Redwood (high elevation), Dawn Redwood, European Hornbeam, Japanese Maple, Japanese Red Pine, Tamarack, Japanese Black Pine, English Oak, Japanese Larch, Japanese Yew, Yeddo Hornbeam, Oriental Hornbeam, American Hophornbeam, Oriental Hackberry, Sugar Hackberry, Judas Tree, Stewartia, Juneberry, Saskatoon Serviceberry, Blackthorn, Witch hazel, Trident Maple, Rough Bark Japanese Maple, Ponderosa Pine, Honeylocust, Cockspur Hawthorn, Vine Maple, Amur Maple, Mountain Hemlock, Japanese Privet, Hardy Rubber tree, Koyama Spruce, Sakhalin Spruce, Seibold Maple, American Dwarf Birch, Alaska Yellow Cedar

Saplings/Young Trees

Temple Juniper (Juniperus rigida), Cider Gum, Crab Apple, European Hornbeam, Colorado Blue Spruce, White Spruce, Norway Spruce, Giant Sequoia, Sitka Spruce, Scots Pine, Japanese Maple, Japanese Flowering Cherry, Weeping Higan Cherry, Japanese Red Pine, Tamarack, Japanese Black Pine, Cryptomeria, Boulevard Cypress, Black Poui (Jacaranda), Flame tree (Delonix Regia) , Paper Bark Birch, Asian White Birch, Szechwan White Birch, Chinese Wisteria, Eastern White Pine, Japanese Umbrella Pine, Brazilian Rain Tree, Mimosa, Pitch Pine, American Holly, English Oak, English Yew, Japanese Larch, Japanese Yew, Japanese White Pine, Eastern Hemlock, Mugo Pine, Eastern Red Cedar, Atlantic White Cedar, Northern White Cedar, American Beech, European Beech, Katsura Tree, European Hornbeam, Rowan Tree, Trident Maple, Rough Bark Japanese Maple, Chinese Elm, Japanese Zelkova, Satsuki Azalea, Tiger Bark Ficus, Willow Leaf Ficus, Ginkgo Biloba, Elegant Maple, American Beautyberry, Japanese Beautyberry, Japanese Snowbell, Japanese Privet, Hong Kong Kumquat, Kousa Dogwood, Douglas Fir, Korean Fir, Dawn Redwood, French Lilac, Afghan Pine, Wild Grape, Rowan Tree, Japanese Barberry, Douglas Maple, American Elm, Dappled Willow, Sugar Maple, Date-Plum Persimmon, Common Persimmon, Dwarf Tanoak, Sea Buckthorn, Deodar Cedar, Scarlett Firethorn, Japanese Flowering Quince, Japanese Camellia, Cyprus Cedar, Golden Chain Tree, Yellowhorn, Black locust, Chinese Wisteria, Blackthorn, Silverberry, Grewia

Let me know if you have any interest in trading.
Do you still have any blackthorn available?
Here's an updated seed list of mine, open to any offers if anyone sees anything they like. I've listed the cultivar the seeds were collected from when applicable, but as most people on here already know that doesn't guarantee you will end up with a plant similiar to the cultivar listed. A lot of these also aren't suitable for bonsai, but I've decided to still list them anyway.

Acer Campestre "Royal Ruby" - Field Maple
Acer Campestre - Field/Hedge Maple
Acer Ginnala - Amur Maple
Acer Griseum - Paperbark Maple
Acer Japonicum 'Aconitifolium' - Fern Leaf Japanese Maple
Acer Maximowiczianum - Nikko Maple
Acer Palmatum 'Atropurpureum' - Japanese Maple
Acer Palmatum (Japonicum?) "Ukigumo" - Japanese Maple
Acer Palmatum 'Viridis var. dissectum' - Japanese Maple
Acer Platanoides "Crimson Queen" - Norway Maple
Acer Rufinerve - Redvein Maple
Acer Shirasawanum "Aureum" - Full Moon Maple
Acer Shirasawanum "Lovett" - Full Moon Maple
Acer Shirasawanum "Microphyllum" - Small Leaf Full Moon Maple
Acer Tartaricum "Rugged Charm" - Tatar/Tatarian Maple
Acer Triflorum - Three-flower Maple

Carpinus Betulus - European Hornbeam
Carpinus Caroliana - American Hornbeam
Carpinus Coreana/Turczaninowii - Korean Hornbeam
Carpinus Japonica - Japanese Hornbeam

Cercus Canadensis - Eastern Redbud

Larix Laricina - American Larch/Tamarack

Pinus Bungeana - Lacebark Pine
Pinus Densiflora "Oculus Draconis" - Japanese Red Pine

Zelokva Serrata - Japanese Zelkova
Oh my god, friend!

You've stocked up.

Please PM me... You have a few more I need!
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I'd be interested in [ European | Korean ] Hornbeam, [ American | Sugar | Oriental ] Hackberry, [ European | American | Japanese ] Beech, and/or Hophornbeam.

I've got unsexed Princess Persimmons, Gardenia and Dwarf Gardenia cuttings, Shimpaku, and Musk Maple.
How big are those premna?
Have a heap of trident maple, amur maple, and sugar maple seeds. Would be happy to trade for red or silver maple seeds/seedlings.
What about red and silver... In one tree?

I'm trying to push Freemani awareness!

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