So all of this year's Hackberry that had been kept in a hrated greehouse are growing like in the images here. Ones collected this year but left outside still have not moved. I expect them to bud later.
First of my earlier winter collected Hackberry left outdoors and is sprouting buds. This one was left tall, about 4 feet. A twin trunk that I'd like to make a clump with in the distant future.
I'm considering waiting a little longer. Let them get a little lignified.
As for sumo shohin, I'm not sure I'll go that route. Maybe with a few of the stumps I collected. I mainly want some good ol' nebari and taper development for taller trees.
Last posted on this in post 89. Thought it was dead for a long while.
There's another I collected at the same time as this that I threw away. Glad I emptied it from its pot to find some roots (very few) growing a month or two ago. Now after 6 months I see this. Crape myrtle is interesting.