Ryceman3's 6yr JBP Contest Entry

Incredible trees, thank you so much for sharing with us. Amazing how much growth you’ve gotten, now you’ve got so much time left for refinement, can’t wait to see the results.

I read through the thread and I might have missed it but what sort of fertilizer do you have in the bags there? I think I saw you mention slow release for the ground grown ones, same thing for the potted?
Incredible trees, thank you so much for sharing with us. Amazing how much growth you’ve gotten, now you’ve got so much time left for refinement, can’t wait to see the results.

I read through the thread and I might have missed it but what sort of fertilizer do you have in the bags there? I think I saw you mention slow release for the ground grown ones, same thing for the potted?
Fert in the tea bags is slow release, same as ground grown trees... (pelletised chicken manure)
I’m glad you’re enjoying the thread… hopefully I can keep things progressing.
🍺 👍
I realised I had updated a bit on the ground grown pines, but not those solely developing in pots, so here's a few pics of some of the JBP that have been 100% in pots from seed and a bit of a description of what my intentions are with them going forward.
Nowhere near the size of the other ones, but still developing pretty well I think.
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A few of them on the bench ...

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A close up of the base of one. I have decandled this last December to keep growth in close to the trunk while the sacrifice lengthens to add a bit of girth. This one was wired early for movement.

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This one I am taking a different route ... will probably end up with a smaller tree. I removed the sacrifice a couple of months ago and will be focussing on refining the top from here. No movement was wired in so the trunk is quite straight, but I think a change in planting angle and a new leader jutting off for the apex will give it the interest and taper it needs. I'm thinking I should get something more resembling a bonsai in a year or two... maybe 3.

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This last one is 2 seedlings that have been grown together since they were seeds. There's some pretty nice fusion going on near the base and some good branching options will hopefully make this something a bit unique in the years to come.
I was down in my "grow beds" on Sunday, and had planned to pull a few of the JBPs from this comp up to see how things were going. Here's how a few of them have developed.

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I really like the movement that is developing in this one.

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This one has a great fat little base and lots of branching options. I think I can develop this on quite quickly to look pretty reasonable.

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My initial thoughts lean towards a semi-cascade for this little trunk.

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No definitive plans for this, I guess I'll just let it keep developing.

Pretty happy with the progress on these over the past 4 years.
I replaced these ones in the beds with a few smaller JBP I had because I really enjoy watching these develop, hopefully the next batch are just as succesful.
Update on the neagari tree I started from one of these seedlings in 2019. It’s spent two years developing the roots, and on the weekend I removed the tube and repotted. Still a big section of roots under the soil that will be further exposed over time and I might look to add a few twists into the roots over the next year or two.

Update on the neagari tree I started from one of these seedlings in 2019. It’s spent two years developing the roots, and on the weekend I removed the tube and repotted. Still a big section of roots under the soil that will be further exposed over time and I might look to add a few twists into the roots over the next year or two.
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What did you use for substrate and what size? I experimented with some 1/2-1” pumice in some of mine.
What did you use for substrate and what size? I experimented with some 1/2-1” pumice in some of mine.
It was random chunks of lava (scoria) mostly ... probably between 1/4" - 1 1/2" (6-35mm or so). If I go again (and I probably will) I'll use less of the bigger stuff and more of the 1/4" to 1/2" size ... I think this will help get more "wiggle" in the roots.
It was random chunks of lava (scoria) mostly ... probably between 1/4" - 1 1/2" (6-35mm or so). If I go again (and I probably will) I'll use less of the bigger stuff and more of the 1/4" to 1/2" size ... I think this will help get more "wiggle" in the roots.
Managed to sow seeds from cones that were produced from the pines I grew as part of this comp… from seed. I got a good germination rate so have about 50 new pines to play with… happy with that. Just finished stem cutting a batch.
Now THIS is a progression thread. Thank you for sharing with us. I wish I had some of that Aussie climate, but you can keep the critters.
How long did they take to produce seed? My pine of 5 years died after a season in a pond basket but I've collected local seeds and ordered a couple grams to replenish.
How long did they take to produce seed? My pine of 5 years died after a season in a pond basket but I've collected local seeds and ordered a couple grams to replenish.

Based on these being seeds from the pines I started from seed in this comp, they were sown in July 2018. They are 4 now, but obviously I harvested the cones in Autumn, so not quite 4 years old at that time. JBP like the conditions here and are good growers for me so this might be earlier than average, I’m not that sure.
You are lucky you can just order seed, we don’t have that luxury here, nobody sells JBP seeds commercially! Collection and cultivation are the best options we have.
good luck with sowing them.
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