Few things to remember:
1) They are members of the hibiscus family and as such,
during growing season, they need feeding like mad.
2) Those straight "sticks" are very pliable and can be twisted
and wired into just about anything you want them to be.
3) The bark scars if you look at it too long. Paper wrap the
wires and watch for "biting" they can explode in a couple of days
and wires that were "fine" are suddenly half embedded in the bark.
4) They do not ramify out finely so plan it accordingly.
5) They are very up-reaching so whatever you do keep that in mind.
your branches are always going to try to climb. Something like a
Stewartia would be good.
6) Large cuts try to rot out. The do not have true wood for the core.
7) They are host or bait to nearly every insect or disease known to the
plant kingdom. Stay on top of your spraying schedule. Be very watchful
for ants. They tend to love this plant as a place to farm aphids on so they
can gather "honeydew" for food.