rooting gels

Yikes, you guys. (and gals)
@M. Frary - Mike, for a while there I had no idea why you dragged this one up. It me a couple reads to notice dates. It does illustrate a point. Not sure I agree 100%, the 2013 conversation could have gone much better than it did. But I got it.

@fredman, don't leave us, we need someone with a different view of the world. Heck, water in your toilette spins the other way when you flush. :) Besides, New Zealand has some real cool tree species. None with names I can pronounce, but cool none the less.

20 years ago, in an orchid forum or two I used to flame out regularly. Then I learned to relax, and not have to correct everyone who is wrong on the internet ;) The stakes were too low to get worked up over anything on those forums. And I still have not waded back into the "Fertilizer Wars". I don't have a fertilizer thread on here, yet. But one of these days I'll get back into it. Need to feel I have the stomach for it first.

If I spend too much time in the "New to Bonsai" forum, I do get frustrated being asked to regurgitate the same stuff over and over again. New members, and sometimes seasoned members do like to have a some information spoon fed to them. This is normal, and I don't mind most of the time. Now I just pick one or two questions from the New to Bonsai forum, answer those, and then skip the rest. I let others take up the slack.

When I have one of those days where I get the urge comment in every thread, I try to make myself back away from the keyboard, and go water my trees. That way nobody will get hurt (especially me). Watering my trees I won't reaffirm to all that I really am an idiot parroting Wikipedia instead of experience.

This forum is great, I love the social back and forth, and I generally post when I have something to offer, or when I'm bored, or when I'm avoiding housework. And I try to not post when I have nothing constructive or funny to say.

But Brian is right, trying to steer this forum is a fool's errand, on the other hand, this forum's greatest asset is its lack of moderators. We're free to be chatty, or silly or sarcastic, or serious. Its all "good".

Now I should get back in the kitchen and do the dishes. (probably won't though)
Seems the Master Imperialpieces don't appreciate their thrones being rattled and their status quos threatened...:p
View attachment 89883
It's ok; you're really no threat. But it would be nice to see you spend some of that energy actually sharing your work. May want to get some big boy pants on though; these look like you've already taken a great big kick in the a$$.
LoL plz don't feel offended. It's only a local Maori well wish. When they welcome you, they stick the tongue out. When they wish you farewell they hang their bags out at ya...;)
While this forum would suck if it were moderated, I agree with you, it can be better.

But there is a few things, like dick comments in other threads , that you may have missed.
I assure you neither BVF nor Dav4, or really anyone, says anything unjustified.

I didn't think I would ever get sick of the same old questions either. But, I realize, true Rapala spirit......

Give a man a fish......and he's fed for a day.
Give a man a Rapala......and hopefully he hooks himself cuz he didn't read how to use the Fucking thing.!

It's never good to "do" for someone.
And if these people can't figure out SOME things.......they're here...bonsai.....and earth....Fuck em!

That said.....I AM on the Welcoming committee....and the police committee too.
It's quite easy to change the direction of relationships just have to pick the right words!

Welcome to many of my ramblings.....have 2 meanings.....

One...a welcome.....
2.....a warning!

So when newbies see the nonsensical, funny, sarcastic, stupid, and sometimes mean things......they know......this shit IS crazy!

All WE have to do is remain positive......
And positive will reign

Seems like some Master Imperialpieces don't appreciate their thrones being rattled and their status quos threatened...:p
Every one of the Imperial Masterpiece members had to have made their first post on a bonsai forum at some point. I won't speak for the others, but I discovered bonsai forums well over a decade a newbie. I had read some books with European authors as well as a few older Bonsai Today mags but that was it as far as my knowledge extended. I had a load of questions, which I asked on the forum as they came to me. I always attempted to research the issue at hand prior to posting so that I might actually have a clue if someone decided to answer. I was as polite and gracious as I could be, and didn't get bent out of shape when the longer toothed hobbyists poked fun at me for asking a question that was, in their eyes, mundane or common knowledge. You see, I figured out pretty quickly that the ones who were laughing at me generally knew a hell of a lot more then me. Guess what? I kissed their asses and asked more questions... and they kept answering them!! Any way, I don't think I'm going to change the way I behave here at Bnut or elsewhere. I guarantee you that anyone can come here and, with a little effort on their own, learn a tremendous amount about bonsai and have fun doing it...but that's on them and not me.
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Every one of the Imperial Masterpiece members had to have made their first post on a bonsai forum at some point. I won't speak for the others, but I discovered bonsai forums well over a decade a newbie.
I was a lurker at rec.arts.bonsai in '97-'99 before it became the IBC. I remember guys like Brent, Billy from the Space Coast, Max Braverman, Alan Adair, and a less-grumpy Jim in Tallahassee posting all the time. Quietly reading the exchanges among the day's veterans was a good way to learn what people were working on. Even bought the [=>> '99 shirt.

@fredman , a quick scroll through your posting history shows most of your contributions here aren't bonsai related at all. I'm seeing one portlacaria, lots of monkey shots, and threads started on often-discussed topics like soil, fert, and air-layers. Kinda seems like you're yelling "be nicer" at people from under a bridge somewhere. I'll be testing a Christmas present tomorrow, which will result in a few updated bonsai threads here. Perhaps you have some bonsai to show too?
I was a lurker at rec.arts.bonsai in '97-'99 before it became the IBC. I remember guys like Brent, Billy from the Space Coast, Max Braverman, Alan Adair, and a less-grumpy Jim in Tallahassee posting all the time. Quietly reading the exchanges among the day's veterans was a good way to learn what people were working on. Even bought the [=>> '99 shirt.

@fredman , a quick scroll through your posting history shows most of your contributions here aren't bonsai related at all. I'm seeing one portlacaria, lots of monkey shots, and threads started on often-discussed topics like soil, fert, and air-layers. Kinda seems like you're yelling "be nicer" at people from under a bridge somewhere. I'll be testing a Christmas present tomorrow, which will result in a few updated bonsai threads here. Perhaps you have some bonsai to show too?
I cut my teeth at Bonsaitalk during the early 2000's...the Golden Era of bonsai forums!!
What they,we are saying is there isn't going to be a change here anytime soon. This is how this forum works.
And actually if you had us all in one room,in person I imagine responses would be about the same. How I respond to posts here is the same exact way I would respond in person.
It's who I am. And I ain't changing just because you think someone else got their feelings hurt.
.The masters on their threads and the newbies on theirs....everybody wins

But then, if the "masters" (whatever they may be) stay aloof, nobody learns anything. Still, I am reluctant to give too much help to someone who doesn't appear to have tried to help himslf.
Sorry no reception here. Have to travel an hour to get some. Signing out from on...start fishing :)
Yeah Brian my plan all along is to share my trees. After 400+ posts I still don't feel very settled in bad i know...
I've got 200+ bonsai and pre-bonsai, and a thousand questions around that....patience we'll hopefully get there...together :p
I was a lurker at rec.arts.bonsai in '97-'99 before it became the IBC. I remember guys like Brent, Billy from the Space Coast, Max Braverman, Alan Adair, and a less-grumpy Jim in Tallahassee posting all the time.
Now THOSE were the days! Then came the European invasion and things got really interesting!
Well that didn't work right. The last line is me and not BVF.
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