rooting gels

Can we please stop with the childish BS?
I swear you guys act more like immature children than grown men.

Yes BUT there is no age restrictions on this site -- physical or mental!
Any time I see anyone, on any forum, telling someone to google or search for something that is indeed relevant to the forum, it really challenges me to understand what that persons motivations are. Forums are for discussion...if you don't want to discuss, save yourself the keystrokes, eh?
Beng, thanks man I have been trying to find rooting gel forever and now that I know a name it may be much easier. I have went to nurseries, garden centers, big box stores and they all show me either the rooting hormone powder rootone, or lately a liquid thing that you soak cuttings in before you plant them. Each time I ask for a rooting gel they either stare blank at me or say never heard of it.

Beng, thanks man I have been trying to find rooting gel forever and now that I know a name it may be much easier. I have went to nurseries, garden centers, big box stores and they all show me either the rooting hormone powder rootone, or lately a liquid thing that you soak cuttings in before you plant them. Each time I ask for a rooting gel they either stare blank at me or say never heard of it.


No problem, i've tried the different powders but have a 90+% success rate with the clonex gel. It has the acid you hear frequently about in rooting compounds but also contains B vitamins. You just poke little holes in the (ground/cutting tray) with a wire to the size of your cutting. Dip the cutting in the gel, stick it in the ground and press the dirty gently around it. They have a bigger size but this lasts me a full season each year. If you only root a few plants it could last a year or two although i'm not sure how long cutting gel stays potent.

I root my cuttings in leftover akadama fines but sand works well for many.
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To show you why sometimes new people get the treatment they get.

Good can one forget this member...He sort of took the movie Fifth Element and soiled it for me...just by using that name as his name he posted under here. Wasn't sure why his post was brought back up...But, I get it now.
Is it a good idea to use rooting gels or creams on air layers?
I got a type that you mix in water. I put it in a spray bottle. Then spray the exposed wood. Next I use coconut fiber because its free amd theres plenty. I dampen it with the spray and wrap it up. Ive tried 3 times and twice it worked, both on ficus types. But really reading up more would help you. Thats how I learned... hang in there.
Air layering is very simple (when the plant has leaves / in the right season) just cut away cambium layer (bark) and put root hormone on it (on the wood / wound), wrap the wound with sphagnum moss and some wrapping-stuff (platic / or a container) and wait untill you have enough roots and pot it up (don't forget to water when it gets too dry)

Quite true, however if anybody is interested i'll throw in my experiences now that I've tried a few different layers with different types of rooting hormones. Very limited attempts and lots of variables but here's my take.

I have used the powder with some success. I have used the clonex Gel and have yet to have one successful outcome. Dip n Grow is a solution that you mix up and I had ok results. I copied the idea from BVF where not only do you apply the hormone to the top portion of the layer site, but you soak sphagnum that touches that site in the hormone as well. I'm planning to try the cutting technique on some black pine seedlings and will go with the dip n grow.
How can a this user "5th element was last seen:Oct 30, 2015" make a post in november :confused:
To show you why sometimes new people get the treatment they get.
Now lets break this down to my point in case Mike...
Is it a good idea to use rooting gels or creams on air layers?
Simple question....;)

Have you tried the search function????
Antagonising answer...:(

Now its up to the OP to either back down and accept the chunk that the pack's scout took out of him...Fight or Flight scenario. In this case he stood his ground and things escalated...Soon the pack arrives and throws it on him...but all he really did was defended himself...

The scenario as it theoretically should play out...
OP asks the same question.. all that don't want to answer or get involved shuts up and finds a thread that interest them.
Those that feels the need to help out gets involved and shares their knowledge and experiences with the OP. Its..:)
Its easy to say search but new ideas from new people doesn't appear on the search side of things. New ideas and different takes on subjects comes from new discussions.
Imagine this forum if that harmonious spirit was alive and well here....:D
Sounds simple in theory hey...?
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Now lets break this down to my point in case Mike...

Simple question....;)

Antagonising answer...:(

Now its up to the OP to either back down and accept the chunk that the pack's scout took out of him...Fight or Flight scenario. In this case he stood his ground and things escalated...Soon the pack arrives and throws it on him...but all he really did was defended himself...

The scenario as it theoretically should play out...
OP asks the same question.. all that don't want to answer of get involved shuts up and finds a thread that interest them.
Those that feels the need to help out gets involved and shares their knowledge and experiences with the OP...:)
Sounds simple in theory hey...?
Hey Fred, the op asked a question that had been answered MANY times in the response to him was both helpful AND antogonistic, as he also had a history of being a DICKHEAD here at B'nut. This wasn't the first time we butted heads. You really shouldn't be posting about things when you only know a small part of the story.
My apologies if I missed something from the past.
All I'm trying to do is get the newbies/noobs on their own threads together with someone (or more) that wants to help them. The seniors don't have to be bothered then, as they have their own threads that is up to their standards.
In this case it would've been helpful if you just left this OP's thread be and keep the peace to the betterment of this forum.... :)
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