Roadside Bonsai Van Guy Buy

Can't be any more creative than that? C'mon...:)

I can sometimes, but my response was as at least as creative as, "I got yer google RIGHT HERE..." lol, and Stripes is one of my favorite movies. My creative juices are about used up, I have been pruning and wiring azaleas for the past two days.

Jesus, leave and the knives come out. I've posted photos of my BC many times. Here's one. below . Got the stump from Zach Smith in the late 90's, like 97 or 98. You outta high school by then? There are more here if you search.View attachment 194665

I don't really give a shit if you do it 'the right way' You obviously have your own opinion.

As for the serissa stuff--you might want to grow a sense of humor along with your BC, or at least drag your funny bone up from underneath the water in your tub. I WAS GIVING THE GUY A FREAKING HARD TIME, for crying out loud. I happen to think serissa is not all that great for bonsai and is sold by mass market bonsai makers primarily because the flowers sell a lot of them to beginners -- they're not all that common as material in shows and/or exhibits, as more experience bonsaiists don't really use them all that much. There is more responsive and attractive material, in my opinion. You may feel differently.

That BC is nice, but that picture is an old one, what does it look like now? The apex could use a little work and maybe the trees some submersion? ;) Do you have an newer photo?

I have been out of high school for a very long time and I am probably not much younger that you, I am 52, you?

For the record, I have never claimed to do anything the "right way", I think you misread what I typed. I do post what I do and try, and show pictures of the results so if someone else wants to try it, they can see how it worked for me. There are a lot of "right ways" to do things, you just gotta find the one that works for you.

As for my sense of humor, I do have one. Your posts in this thread did not seem very funny to me and I got the fact that you were giving folks the a hard time, I was trying to join in the fun, and gave you a hard time, but apparently it is more fun for you to give it out than to take it, a fact established by the more personal attack you laid out in the quoted response above. A lot of people are like that, I did not know that you were. Also, there is the problem of typed words, there is not much emotion tied up in the words and it can be easily taken other ways than it was meant. It would be nice if we could all get together with some beers or booze and debate the merits of serissa as bonsai. So, I am extending a personal invitation to you, the next time you find yourself close to Mobile, Alabama, drop me a line for a visit and we can talk about bonsai, BC, and serissa.

Off to prune more azaleas, only 1254835 to go, I need a bonsai minion......
This is A nice serissa. Show me others. The fact that is it a nice serissa that -- compared to other bonsai--is just OK, could mean it is an exception--and possibly why it got into the Nationals. And FWIW, I'm no stranger to good bonsai. There are no serissa in the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum...Just sayin.... Of course I could just be a dimwitted bumpkin.

That's actually not correct. It's in in the Chinese Pavilion right now, but typically stored in the Kaneshiro Tropical House.

Here's Aaron writing about it. It's hardly my favorite tree, but it is there.

I had a good laugh, or several, re-reading this thread.....special shout out to my man Grimmy!....R.I.P. my friend, you'll never be forgotten.

The Roadside Bonsai Van Buy is doing well...
I should have taken before pics....but I didn't. Its grown well, I trimmed it back a few times since last post.
Still haven't repotted, just top dressed.....maybe this summer.

I dipped into the Jameson last night and got a little "need" to do something.....
This one was ready for a trim anyway, before we get into the hot months....and some wire.
Took a few quick pics in the rain just now.
Need to scrub the base....all slimy.
I don’t know why I like that sacrifice branch at the bottom and the gloulous knot at the top but I do...took me a min, but I do
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