On our side, the problems with the Chinese Serissa are-
[ 1 ] Buds everywhere, so if you do the traditional eagle claw shape.
for a branch it will bud out the form - lots of extra pruning
[ 2 ] was not fibbing when I said the wounds rot.
Apologies Mellow - might be a climate thingee.
[ 3] A magnet for our leaf cutters.
Plant is also "allergic " to the ant's jaws and will often just die instead
of refoliating.
[ 4 ] Must have freely draining but moisture retentive soil and preferably
a porous pot.
[ 5 ] New one - Sun and nightime low 60's F , kills.
Just lost a trunk thickening effort to the Beast from the East [ Russia ]
Was trying for a 5 inch trunk ------ Damn

Start over...................................
Most the above we figured out solutions for.
Ants don't like to walk on metal ----- so restriction to the metal stands.
If the cold persists into the shade area with stands.
Light is still bright enough to grow well.
And we try again.
Oh and they must rest from Christmas until February for us.
Like the fukien tea.
Good Day
*** But a very beautiful subject for a Classical Bonsai !!!!!!!!!!!!