How long after collecting do you start fertilizing? I collected a J. monosperma last month that has nowhere near the root mass that your RMJ has.
Well... I water the day of potting with something high in carbohydrates to feed the mycorrhiza. Used pasta water , honey in water, molasses in water something like that. Not too strong quite dilute.
Keep in mind I just make this up based on amateur research, intuition and stuff some bloke in a pub told me. Can't say if it helps or hinders but it been knock on wood years since I lost a juniper post collection.
Fertilizing, I put a handful of deer, elk, moose or llama pellets on the surface as soon as I get some. Fertilizing with liquid depends on the state if the rootball and surrounding soil, a diffuse root system in very free draining medium will get watered and fertilized almost the same as most of the collection. Big dense rootballs I just try to keep the surrounding medium moist and water and fertilize much less.