Repotting tools...

I did end up picking up a root hook from American Bonsai to allow me to at least somewhat free up the roots. I may not totally bare root trees that have already had root work done. Stock is another story.

My Wife is heavy handed and has bent my carbon root rakes. I do not normally go with stainless tool for may reasons but these two hooks ROCK and they very well priced. Hard to kill these;

20USD and serious great quality ;)

The most important tool for repotting any bonsai is between your ears. You can have the most and best tool available and if you don't have the understanding of what to do this could be your outcome. If this makes sense to you, your bonsai will turn out he same way----it died. Unfortunately many people say they understand how to work the roots on a tree but all they know is this and this is what they think because they have never done it. I could hav done this with a hatchet. This is painful for me to watch.

The most important tool for repotting any bonsai is between your ears. You can have the most and best tool available and if you don't have the understanding of what to do this could be your outcome. If this makes sense to you, your bonsai will turn out he same way----it died. Unfortunately many people say they understand how to work the roots on a tree but all they know is this and this is what they think because they have never done it. I could hav done this with a hatchet. This is painful for me to watch.

Yeah that didn't look so good.. was there a part one before it got to that point?
Yeah that didn't look so good.. was there a part one before it got to that point?
Yes there was originally but a lot of it (the video) has been truncated since I first saw it. It was ina the two or three gallon container. But the point of showing this is to demonstrate that you may thing you have to cut and reduce the roots and some my have ideas that this is how you do that.
The most important tool for repotting any bonsai is between your ears.

Excellent Vance!

That's the most important tool for everything!

I just watched the 3 week old BE video from the World Bonsai convention...
2 of 3 interviewed masters recommended just caring for your trees, and they will return it...

Sounds like overkill BUT especially on plants that we keep potted for years without a repot it just makes sense to take a few more minutes.
Is the type of stuff they were talking about.

The most important tool for repotting any bonsai is between your ears. You can have the most and best tool available and if you don't have the understanding of what to do this could be your outcome. If this makes sense to you, your bonsai will turn out he same way----it died. Unfortunately many people say they understand how to work the roots on a tree but all they know is this and this is what they think because they have never done it. I could hav done this with a hatchet. This is painful for me to watch.

OMG, it's painful to watch it. That man obviously sells pre-bonsai material...the more trees killed by his customers getting this kind of instructions the more he sells. Temporarily...:mad:
Tree didn't even get any string for when the first gust of wind sends it aloft like a kite!!!!:confused::confused::eek::eek::eek::eek::D:D:D:D:D:D

I'll admit, once in awhile my wire-in job may look a little rough, but it's under the soil.......:rolleyes:

But at least it's THERE!!!o_O:oops::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Maybe the good stuff was "mistakenly" edited?:p:(:(:D:D:D:D:D:D

Here's another video of his I found. Lawnmower how-to, I believe......
Denatured Alcohol is pretty strong it is for industrial use, Isopropyl is much lower 70% and comes in levels that wont harm skin.
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Spend the 25 cents more on 91% and get into the habit of using it on all tools - simple prevention saves a lot of headaches especially when working several plants or more ;)

We also clean the pots with a 1 to 4 solution of vinegar and if clay rub them down with mineral oil. Sounds like overkill BUT especially on plants that we keep potted for years without a repot it just makes sense to take a few more minutes.


Actually 70 percent iso or rubbing alcohol is a more effective sanitizer than 90 or 100 percent. Sanitization is a more appropriate word than sterilization, true sterilizing takes more.
The reason is because it evaporates slower and stays in contact with microbes for longer. You have to wait and let it evaporate too, the dessication from evaporation is a large part of what kills the microbes. I've learned this through my mushroom growing where good sterilizing/sanitizing methods are very critical and if methods are poor you sure pay for it!

If you want sterile tools just keep a propane torch handy and heat them red hot, they will be sterile then for a few seconds...
Nope, it's not common knowledge I guess, counterintuitive a bit but very well proven. 70 percent is best.

I also fertilize at high levels... so far goes ok and the tools are clean and sharp :p

Hmm...70 percent it is I suppose.
Ok the science behind it.. Alcohols kill bacteria by first making the lipids that are part of the outer protective cell membrane of each bacterium cell more soluble in water so that the cell membrane begins to lose its structural integrity and fall apart. As the cell membrane disintegrates, alcohol can then enter the cell and denature proteins

. for that it has to penetrate.. 91 % dries to quickly to be effective. 70% wiped on and left to air dry is the most effective. Which is why 70% is used in hospitals (still air drys very quickly)
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