I like experimenting a lot. Thank you, mr. Walter for your inputs. I would like to add something, if you don't mind, what most is not putting attention on: it depends a lot of the size of the pot! It's a big difference if you repot to a super small pot or in a big, deep training pot. If you repot in a small pot i guess you need some frost protection, which is not the case, if you repot in a huge, deep, training pot. You cen repot in training pots even in the end of october/early november. So i would say, bigger the pot is, less you risk with summer/fall repoting and less likely you need any frost protection, even if winter temperatures drop below minus 15 degree celzius. Anyway, keep in mind, roots grow better in cool substrate/soil, that's why fall repoting/planting in horticulture is more popular then spring repoting. But that's not the case in bonsai art when small pots have beeing used.
Sorry for English ...