Reducing bark nugget sizes

I have used a blender that I picked up at a thrift store, works wonderfully. Just don’t over fill it, few handful’s at a time. If I need a large amount I use a wood chipper.
Did you even look at the link I looked up for you? That recommends exactly the same thing..

Next time they're in Germany you get lunch too ;)
Next time they're in Germany you get lunch too ;)
BrierPatch, thank you for the lunch invitation - winer schnitzel would be good with a glass of beer. I found a source of small bark locally after all. Thank you all for hints and suggestions.
Next time they're in Germany you get lunch too ;)
Nah, it is not about the lunch. I can afford to buy myself lunch.
It is about the fact that you take the effort to look up a previous thread on a topic in which a number of useful options were discussed. Than a week later someone posts a suggestion, which was in the thread you looked up, and the response makes it obvious they never even checked the thread you shared. Makes me wonder "why bother", you know?
I recently found a product called Orchiata Precission 3-6 mm

Its small, maybe this helps.
Ah, we need to be tolerant Leatherbag. There is so much information being accumulated that at times we just glance through most of it. I’m the only one truly interested in the solution, so I went through all of suggestions carefully and found the one(s) which seem to be most applicable. In either case, thanks all that responded.
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