Recently Styled my Juniper, thoughts and advice? I'm still learning


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Today I purchased a Juniper from a local nursery garden and fell in love with its movement. After some pretty hard pruning and a bit of wiring, I managed to get this unique shape and movement. Some Redditors have recommended that I prune it back more, which I agree with but am unsure as to how much or where. Would love some input!

Note: This was the only wire I had at hand, my apologies for how unpleasant it kind of looks as I did not have a large gauge wire.
All that matters at this point is that you’re learning and enjoying what you’re doing. Well done. What is your ultimate vision with this tree?
All that matters at this point is that you’re learning and enjoying what you’re doing. Well done. What is your ultimate vision with this tree?
I want it to get a bit bushier on the larger branches and then see what I should/can remove further. It's a bit messy in the middle and I don't mean just the wiring. I haven't been able to find similar bonsai so my inspiration is limited (I'm a visual learner). But I do think it will end up looking more like a semi-cascade with a tail.
Here's the mess
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