I did--but just for certain trees--I was just curious.Crust, are you saying that you have run the numbers using all 5 judges scores?
I did--but just for certain trees--I was just curious.Crust, are you saying that you have run the numbers using all 5 judges scores?
Most of the judges had "trees in the competition". Trees they had worked on, trees they had sold, trees their students were developing, trees they knew from places they worked at, trees they had judged before. The judges really knew many of these trees--and their current owners, this is the nature of working in a specific field.Just my opinion but it doesn't seem right that a judge is allowed to have a tree in the competition.
It kind of was--he was pretty transparent about that. He was the locomotive that pulled this train up the mountain--his standards--his dream. I thought it was pretty cool.Maybe the Artisans Cup should be called the Ryan Neil show instead.
I'm sure the images would be blocked at that kind of cost.I wish I knew whether one will be able to copy photos when you shell out the 100 bucks--probably not, there will be some devious blocking thing. Does anybody know??
I see no uncertainty in the pre-judging being done by the two area eminents--the brainchildren of the show. It was what it was. As for the tie breaking, well, that was a stroke of retardation. The out come should have, and could have, been determined mathematically (calculating the scores by including percentages and not rounding) no tie breaking necessary--it was just an oversight.I'm not questioning anyone's integrity, Ryan is a great guy I'm certain. But if you want to rid yourself of all uncertainty, he needs to get a jury of anyone but himself for the entrance of trees, the judges were fine, but also not be involved in any tiebreakers.
People will make all sorts of accusation, when you find out he had worked on a large number of the trees entered it raises debate for sure.
In the end it is probably hard for anyone to think amazing trees got passed over for lesser trees. An amazing tree won in a subjective art form.
Ryan Neil has an impressive resume and body of work, but his primary motivation for the Artisans Cup was clearly to promote his business and the business of his close partners. I don't blame him, it is the American Way. This is not a hobby for him, it is his profession and he is heavily invested. The fact that the next Artisans Cup is to be held in Australia is telling. I assume the marketing strategy will be different there, as it may be difficult to transport trees and draw an Aussie crowd to see "the premier exhibition of American Bonsai." It seems (from afar) that Bonsai Mirai is to American Bonsai as Chevrolet is to American Trucks. Both companies arguably make an excellent "American" product, but both must primarily protect the bottom line and grow the business.
Is this for a book to hold in ones hand? Or photos viewed online?Now that's funny.
$100.00! For a membership to read about comments and to look at some pictures.
What a deal.
Kirby is a quality guy.
Ironic that you quote him as I feel he was the most harmed by the "throw out the highest and lowest"!
Boon rated his tree as best. His top tree. He gave it a 44. Yet, it was still the lowest score of all the Judges! So, it didn't get counted. Does that seem right?
Most shows only have one judge.Is this common practice to toss out scores...or new to the cup only?
I'm sure the images would be blocked at that kind of cost.
Look at them on one of these phones and screenshot them. If it is on the screen you can copy it. Any image.
Or on a PC...
PrintScreen Key, then paste to photoshop/Gimp/whatever...
Unless Neil has hired ninjas to sneak in and snatch that key from every computer that accesses his site, those photos are up for grabs by anyone with a standard keyboard and some image editing software.
With technology, there's always a way - although I'm not paying a C-Note just to copy and paste a couple tree pics, that's just silly.
But not with near the same resolution/quality.Look at them on one of these phones and screenshot them. If it is on the screen you can copy it. Any image.
I will pop the 100 bucks--which is high, at least for me. I bet there photo costs were at least $10,000.00 and I bet they will get far more than 100 takers on this.Screenshot. Just noticed it's up to 36 degrees here.View attachment 83543