Random bonsai stuff in Vietnam

Being Vietnamese my self, my understanding is the mid level trees are dirt cheap while the high end ones are extremely expensive. A Water Jasmine that costs $3k here is about $500-700 there while a $1k tree here would cost about $100 there. It's a highly competitive market.
Being Vietnamese my self, my understanding is the mid level trees are dirt cheap while the high end ones are extremely expensive. A Water Jasmine that costs $3k here is about $500-700 there while a $1k tree here would cost about $100 there. It's a highly competitive market.
Yep. The mid and low level are priced for the populace while the top level ones are for the rich to show off. Prices can run sky high.
Some Big O' Bonsai there.
I am fascinated by a culture that uses bonsai for so many forms of social communication. What kind of maintenance do these trees get? I can't imagine finding someone to care for them in the US. I do notice that most are in larger containers than would be typical for Japanese or American bonsai.
Huh. Guess if you have the right climate, it really doesn't matter what kind of soil you use. All of these look like they're in ordinary dirt.
Huh. Guess if you have the right climate, it really doesn't matter what kind of soil you use. All of these look like they're in ordinary dirt.
yup. Ficus is very much non-caring about substrate.
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