Radialayer™ a season saver.

Time of year you start it doesn't matter as much as time of year you remove it, and it's most important to know you can leave em on over winter.

I don't think size is a determining factor, except for, the larger or is, the more work it is, and since humans are lazy and not very thorough, it makes sense we say larger stuff won't root. I don't believe it.

Size matters not. Do or do not, there is no try. My next set will be attempted using this method.
For those in the US trying airlayers if you have trouble with finding decent quantities of sphagnum moss I found out Mosser Lee and Mossman are the only two people to get it from in more than 1 cu. ft. In FL. May or may not be needed or helpful but I use it with rooting a lot and can’t find it at reasonable prices. Bulk buying is going to save me a lot of money!

FINALLY have some good news re: the layer of my Sharp’s Pygmy:


Looks like the Radialayer™performed as it should yet again—root extending horizontally until it hit a wall. This tree should be on its own roots after all. I was getting worried there for a minute. It took seven weeks to give me a visible sign. Layers done earlier in the year tend to be faster.
I am going to resurrect @sorce 's thread because I came across it as I was studying up on air layering. @sorce 's idea is too cool to let slip through the cracks.

Speaking of slipping through the cracks, I miss you @sorce . Wherever you are, check in maybe? You are too good a person for us BNuts to let go.
I am going to resurrect @sorce 's thread because I came across it as I was studying up on air layering. @sorce 's idea is too cool to let slip through the cracks.

Speaking of slipping through the cracks, I miss you @sorce . Wherever you are, check in maybe? You are too good a person for us BNuts to let go.

I am still here. Just actually working all day now, new baby too.


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