Prunus Serrulata - Thoughts?

Despite being under a shade net and spraying on a cloudy day, the cherries had a bit of photo toxicity related issues on the new leaves. They looked a bit fried for a few days but have recovered. Been fertilizing with 20-9-9 every Monday for a couple weeks. Will slow it down to every other week the last week of May
What’s the consensus on mid season pruning with cherry trees? I imagine I shouldn’t aggressively cut back like with some other species. But should I be slowly removing redundant growth over the next few weeks? Some gentle clip and grow? There are definitely some shoots I know I don’t want long term
Now is a good time for a prune. You don't have to be gentle. If you want to do drastic pruning this is a good time of year for it. But it is okay to take off less. These are young trees, prune now, then let grow out.

Basically, for most of my deciduous trees, I let them grow until early to middle of summer. Then if they are going to get a hard prune, that would happen between beginning of June thru the middle of July. Then I would leave them more or less alone until the following spring. Repot if needed then a pruning right about now.

Basically, repot early spring. One pruning early summer. Wire and touch up pruning late summer. Repeat. beginning with the early spring repot.

It can be made a much more complicated schedule, but basically, this is the cycle.
I grew flowering cherries from seed years ago. I did a cross between campanulata and ''Okame'' They took 10 years to flower. I have one left. It is very nice and worth naming. Next season I'm planting seeds from campanulata x ?, Kojo no mai x ''incam'' and ''incam'' x Kojo. I hope to see the flowers some day........ God luck with yours. I hope you are patient!
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