Prunus Incisa (Kojo-no-mai) prune, design and front help


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Iberia - Europe
So I got this prunus from a nursery, did the initial general prune and a bit of wiring and now I'm a bit unsure about what front to select and after that is done wich branches to cut next.

My decision is between:

I think in b) we can see the main trunk bend backwards, but in a) I think the secondary branches are more suitable for the future. My ideas for each front is something along like:

Screenshot 2023-01-20 at 20-11-02 Photo - Google Photos.pngScreenshot 2023-01-20 at 20-13-14 Photo - Google Photos.png

I didn't think I capture the main branch bend correctly in those pictures, so here are some side images:

I like the first pic side best of the two. Maybe do a little rotating one way or the other so the V is not straight in the center. Maybe a slightly different angle will minimize the sharp change of direction on the main trunk as well. When I'm not sure of the front of a project type tree, I put it in a round pot so I can look at it as I work it from every side. I find that as I work a tree, the best front can change with age and development.
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I think I prefer the second pic. I would set the main trunk more vertical. A round pot is a good idea
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