Projects from Harts Backyard

I like picture 1 on the nana as the front. Its a nice tree.

The Quercus lobata is really interesting too. Nice.
Thanks Leo. Yeah the nana was cheap, healthy. And has a Nice trunk on it too. Not a “Desirable” tree species per say, but I oook forward to its development. I’m really excited about the Lobata. Hoping for an excellent growing season! No more moving for me this year at least! And I’m working on being more prophylactic with my treatments this year. I applied a granular fungicide and insecticide and will then move to a monthly foliar spray. With your help I’ve come to be happy with Abq’s water but will still mix in an acidic fertilizer from time to time. I also went with a clear soil mix across the board with varying percentages across the board. Akadama, pumice and lava with a bit of fir bark mixed in. I really want this season to be a success in development and health. Wish me luck. 😜
Nice spirea ! My avatar tree is a spirea.
If your talking about the snow mound spirea, then me too! I’m really excited to develop that one! I repotted that one recently and it’s base is awesome.
The dark knight spirea died after my second move last year. 😣
I just read through This thread @Brian Van Fleet . And it’s got me looking at this new shimpaku of mine in a whole new light. Certainly doesn’t have the girth or provenance of yours, but has a few similar characteristics. Thanks for the inspo. Formulating plans for the years to come. I’m going to sketch a few design ideas in the coming days weeks.
Here’s what I did to the vitex. I chopped at the red line, moved the green arrow branch up because I didn’t like the straight section that the yellow lines show. 2C2D3F52-9063-4DED-BFDD-C641155C89CD.jpeg
Here’s a before and after


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Basic trident maple from evergreen garden works. Came as a 1gal. $35. Up potted to this pond basket. Will allow growth all year. Not going to touch the foliage until next year. I want to establish a better nebari first. Ground layering begins today. Used a plastic lid and ring cut around the base. Packed with sphagnum and back filled with substrate.
Ive dug quite a few Rhus Trilobata (3 leaf sumac) this spring from my property and they have all begun pushing growth. Nothing but slender trunks, but I believe that is what makes them elegantly beautiful. I guarantee the bulk of what I’ve collected are at least 10 plus years old. On one of them I put wire on immediately. For one so i could space out the trunks a bit because of how much they had grown in to each other, and because if it died, it would not be a huge loss. Well it seems to be doing quite well.
here’s a quick sketch of the long term vision also.
ROR trident maple in there somewhere. Normally my trident attempts have been bad, but I’ve tried systemic fungicide this year and a better water/fertilizer regimen. So far so good.
Some recent collections of Gray Oak (Quercus grisea) from my property in cedar Crest, NM. They all seem to be alive and ready to push. 1 has already pushed. The bark on all of these is spectacular with great amounts of lichen on the trunk. This greenery is not moss and doesn’t have the same detrimental affects. To me it adds far more of an appearance of age as this stuff takes decades and decades to grow. The clump is 4.5 ft (1.3 meters) tall or so. These ones are slender trunked, but there are quite a few beefy 4” plus trunk specimen present. I just want to work on collecting the thinner stuff, reveiw the results then adjust accordingly for next spring.


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