Procumbens progression!!


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Warren , Massacchusetts
Finally getting around to doing some work on this tree, re-potting this tree was a chore and a half, looks like it was left in the blue pot in excess of at least 8 years.....never seen a tree so root bound!!..I had to saw the root ball in half before I could even start working and combing the roots out. Shes happy now, literally turned a dark green before my eyes. started cleaning her up, some refinement, Jin and perhaps some Shari??..and she will be good to go!! The growing season is just getting underway here in NewEngland, buds starting to burst...should be fun!! junbon.jpgprocumbens2.jpg jun1.jpgjun3.jpg
Good to see this tree in the spot light again. Nice job with the pad placement and structure. I was very happy when I saw that this tree was sold. I watched it sit and the nursery for a while. It needed a good home where someone could whip it into shape, which you did.

Since it as repotted and cleaned up, might be best to not do anything for 1 year. Maybe carve next season.

This tree is more impressive in person.;)

Good to see this tree in the spot light again. Nice job with the pad placement and structure. I was very happy when I saw that this tree was sold. I watched it sit and the nursery for a while. It needed a good home where someone could whip it into shape, which you did.

Since it as repotted and cleaned up, might be best to not do anything for 1 year. Maybe carve next season.

This tree is more impressive in person.;)

That was the plan Rob!!...It needs to regain its vigor and fill in!!..and Thank you!!
Very nice looking juni. Really cool.
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