
I agree with you but I noticed something you may not have. I think we all know you cannot bump your own post but have you noticed that you have to have several responses before the thread goes to the "What's New" tab? That's the problem that bothered me the first time I brought it up. I don't know who is running this site but it seems whoever it might be is trying to run it into the ground. It seems to me that would be stupid and self destructive but something is going on that is counter productive.

Personally; I am seriously considering bailing on this site. It's just not worth the hassel to spend all the time involved to post information on trees with pictures and videos just to see them fall off the cliff before most people have read them. As a point I am going to post to a thread I started this morning and see if it even shows up on "What's New". You can't expect people to go searching through every post on the forum looking for information that should be available and always has been.

I recall that either BNut or someone in his family had some serious health issues in the last year or so(?) That might explain why he isnt or cant be around as much as he would like. Real life issues take precedence.
Get off the high horse! That's not what I said you did not read the post clearly or you do not understand simile. I said it is like------I also said that woud be self destructive--- did I not. It's not bad enough that I have my foot in my mouth most of the time I don't need you shoving yours in there with it.
It would seem some like to post provocative or inflammatory posts, then cry foul when others call them on would seem.
Come on----get yourself some crappy trees and push the envelope and see what happens. You afraid you might learn something your teacher didn't teach you? Grab some piece of crap and turn it into something to be proud of.

I am, like yourself, pretty much self taught.

For what it is worth, I did "push the envelope" and repotted a J pro nana last week that I bought the week before. I saw it at a nursery and I liked the trunk so I bought it. We have been having a cool summer here so I thought it would be fine to repot now.

Think what you will about pro nanas, but I love them. They are so accomodating and easy to work on and they seem to grow like crazy for me. You can get a pretty nice tree in fairly short time if you can find one with a decent sized trunk with good shape.
I did not post this thread, I mearly pointed out what happened the last time I went there. It would seem some like post just to get in others' faces just to see what happens.

You who have only one tree in their gallery obtained from someone else a year ago. See how uneven and inaccurate you can be when you don't know all the facts.

??? I don't see your point, you'll have to try again if you want to continue this "conversation". I mean, I could offer my interpretation of your comment, but I don't want to be accused of putting words in your mouth again :)
Read your own pile of prose, you blamed me for starting this thread. I can't change the fact that you don't like me. That being said I would like to know why? Also while we are at the blame game how many people can you claim to have helped with their bonsai? I don't want to continue this conversation with you at all-----about anything----ever. I'm done with you.
Oh, how ever will I go on? LOL.


1) I never blamed you for starting the thread. I blamed you for making provocative and inflammatory posts, like the following:

I don't know who is running this site but it seems whoever it might be is trying to run it into the ground. It seems to me that would be stupid and self destructive but something is going on that is counter productive.

Really, what is the value of comments like that? You're always making these kinds of statements and jumping all over people for the most minor "transgressions". You see personal attacks and conspiracies in the most innocuous comments, then you cry "woe is me" when others object. That's what I don't like.

2) I've only been doing bonsai for about 3 years so I don't have the wealth of hands on experience that you do...and I make no claims about my ability to help others. I offer comments when I feel they are warranted...sometimes about particular trees, sometimes about other care aspects that I feel comfortable with. People have offered thanks for that input many times but I'm not keeping track as that's not the point. Again, I'm left wondering, what is the relevance? And the same with the gallery comment in your previous post.

Well, I guess this is the end of the conversation since you're done with me. It's been fun!
Why is it that no one is posting anything substantive on this site any more? the silence around here has been deafening.
I posted updates on two of my trees last week and had no replies at all. Makes it difficult to want to take the time to post. Not that it's that big a deal one way or the other to me...
I posted updates on two of my trees last week and had no replies at all. Makes it difficult to want to take the time to post. Not that it's that big a deal one way or the other to me...

I think too many people spend too much time in the General Discussion board. They post stuff about trees there instead of in the sections they belong. Also it is at the top of the page so alot of the lower tree boards dont get noticed, and the ones below that looked at even less.

I think this also has to do with time. With all the other things in life we have to do, its hard to take time to sift through these boards. I know I miss stuff on some of them when I get busy sometimes.
BTW, there are some pretty good Vance quotes in this thread...but due to the fact that most of them sound like the lack of meds talking, I am not going to include them in the quotes thread.

Cheer up, winter is almost here. Isn't that when the price of natural gas doubles?.....
Meanwhile . . . back on the original topic that Vance so clearly hijacked . . . is there SOMEbody who can do some work on the site to make it more responsive?????
Clearly, the hijacking is the only reason this thread is still alive....
One thing that will help the site is keep replies short when using the quote feature. I hate it when there is a long post with photos, and someone uses quotes and replies with only a word or two. There is no need to quote all of the original message, consume twice the bandwidth and disc storage if all you are going to say in the reply is "nice trees." That's a pet peeve of mine; now I will get off my soapbox.
Something seems to have changed very recently in the way the "what's new" button works. I just clicked on it and only 2 threads showed up as "new" even though there are many others that have been updated today that I haven't looked at. In the past, many more would show up. I don't know if "what's new" is supposed to show threads from a certain time period, or only threads that you haven't looked at?? Ideally, in my opinion, you could set a parameter in your profile that specifies what you see there. I'd like to see a list of all threads that have been updated in the past X hours (maybe 12, maybe 24, but user adjustable). Don't know if the software has that capability. In any case, it seems to be behaving erratically for whatever reason.

Agree with the poster who mentioned the issue of the sub forums...I notice that most threads are posted in "general discussion" and threads in the sub forums are often neglected in comparison.

As for my latest public battle with Vance...I'm sorry that people had to deal with that (though it's obvious some relish that stuff, like that strange creature on the Original Star Trek series that fed off hate and confrontation.) Obviously we rub each other the wrong way. I'm going to make an early New Year's resolution to avoid those kinds of confrontations in the future.

I'm going to make an early New Year's resolution to avoid those kinds of confrontations in the future.


I think this is good advice for everyone. Too many of us are too quick to take something the wrong way, go on the defensive and lash out at really stupid things. It is nice that people are passionate but when it gets to that level it to really detracts from this place. In the grand scheme of things, it really doesnt matter and it really isnt worth it.

I made a similar resolution a year or so ago to try and be a diffuser instead of a source of fuel for these kind of things. When I feel a response is starting to get my back up, I read it again 3x to make sure I understood the post and what was going on before deciding if it is worth it to respond. Most of the time it isnt.
How did I hijack this thread? At least I am beginning to find out who my friends are. COH, who the hell do you think you are?
Like I said in the post immediately above yours...I'm not going to continue with this ridiculousness in public. If you want to continue the "discussion", feel free to send me a PM.

BTW...the Star Trek reference was directed at someone else who has posted in the thread, not you.
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........ much for that.

I have some gasoline over here if anyone needs it.

I wish I had moderator status right now.

Id lock this fucking thread up and throw away the key.

I hold you in high esteem and am local to you. I would love to meet you one day and am close enough to become a member of 4 Season's where you are a member. Please understand that I'm not out to goad you and please don't misconstrue my words.

It seems like you get in a fight with someone in every thread. How many people does Judy regularly get in a tiff with? How many people does Adair regularly get in a tiff with? Chris? Al? What about you? I see you argue with people more than anyone else here. Not everything is a personal attack and not every comment is directed at you. Chris' comment about the ST monster made me laugh and I never once thought it was about you. It was a metaphor for the situation, not an attack. And, honestly, it would seem foolish for the BNUT admin to intentionally try to run the site into the ground. You seem to think that you don't insult people or escalate situations. Between these two comments:

"I highly doubt it's some kind of conspiracy."


"It's not bad enough that I have my foot in my mouth most of the time I don't need you shoving yours in there with it."

Which one is an insult? Which one is more negative in tone?

People like you here. I like you. You regularly receive compliments on how helpful you are and the quality of your trees that you have been able to transform over decades of hard work. Yet you still carry on with this attitude of "I don't know anything" and "Nobody likes my trees". From what I have seen the response to you and your trees is overwhelmingly positive here until these little forum arguments pop up. But your signature still says "MY CRAPPY BONSAI" in RED and if I remember correctly the font used to be HUGE. That's like me coming to your house and handing you a gift only to have you not accept it and turn me back the way I came. It's a little insensitive, at the least.

It's not you vs the world and it's not you vs the forum. Even a negative critique can be helpful and sometimes people just disagree. On that note you did "hijack" jkl's thread by taking a thread about one issue on the site and transforming it into a thread about something completely different by directing the conversation.

I think it's great that, in the face of people telling you "this tree will never amount to anything" (something you semi frequently reference), you stuck with it and were able to foresee the amazing piece that it eventually became. Don't let those comments in the past hold you back, man. If it happened it happened but they're good now! Enjoy them. And if a compliment rolls around accept that, too. It makes the person who offered the compliment feel better.

If it matters... I don't have any decent trees and I haven't been able to transform anything. But I fully expect to be able to achieve both. I don't post here a lot because I don't like all of the drama on this forum, which, like it or not, you are a big part of. I also fail the "put up or shut up" test so I choose to shut up most of the time which from what I hear is what the forum population wants from people like me. You will always be partially at fault for any fight you are a part of. That is an absolutism and it is one of the few true ones. So, what paints you in a better light? Trying to walk away every now and then or meticulously responding to every possible insult?

One last note... I watched every video you posted about bonsai on YT one night. You seem like a very nice guy, have a calming voice, and are pretty comfortable with instruction. I bet you would make an awesome teacher. Having not met you I have an idea of who you are based on your videos and a separate idea of who you are based on your forum posts. Without being mean I like the guy I see in the videos better.

I may not yet be very good at bonsai but I'm a pretty smart dude and I like to think I'm good with people. I hope you read my comments on that level and I sincerely hope that nothing I said offends you. I would like this to be a place that I am comfortable with. And while I can't give much back to the community now I hope that one day I'll be as giving with my time for newer members as you are.
More to follow. I plan to pull your post apart a little at a time and maybe some things will get said that should be said.

Seriously why?

Why put yourself and the rest of us through it?
Does it really matter that much to you? Why?
Isnt there something else your time would be better spent on? Like bonsai for example?

Agree or disagree with Bobby, it doesnt matter. Can't you just not take everything personally and move on? This is what gets you trouble more often than not.
Just take his comments in the spirit in which they were given.

Non maliciously.

There is no conspiracy here against you.... or anyone else.
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I get it about defending yourself (I do that too) BUT you do not carry it across threads as much as possible...and definitely not to others who never did you wrong.

Peace out.
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