THIS BRANCH WAS DAMAGED BY FUCKING ANIMALS!!Why are you taking this so personally? You can be argumentative all you want, but its dropping branches for a reason. That's pretty plain for anyone who's been doing this for more than a few years. That foliage is weak and not getting stronger. The "Rah-Rah Go ERC" is fine as far as it goes, but it isn't going to help your tree much.
Your assumptions about bonsai based on gardening are not as accurate as you think. I don't know if you collected this tree, but that process can take its toll on a tree years after it's been initially dug up.
Reading books is not DOING bonsai. Get your panties in a twist all you want. Your tree has something going on beyond that single branch, whether you have the humility to see it or not.
I base my assumptions on 25 years of doing bonsai and collecting trees. Take it for what it's worth.
How are you not getting that?
The tree is not "dropping branches" nor is it losing foliage. You haven't even SEEN the whole tree, just this one branch I'm asking about. So you're then making assumptions about the rest of the tree because you have 25 yrs experience. So you can diagnose an ENTIRE TREE from a picture of a single branch problem, with just a couple other branches barely shown in the picture? WOW!! That's truly a stunning ability.
Get over yourself.
THIRD person on my ignore list now. I've never had so many people on an ignore list so fast in my entire online history of 25+ years. EDIT: In fact, I don't think I've EVER before had ANYONE on an ignore list after only a month on a forum.
Some bonsai people are not only opinionated, but arrogant apparently. Perhaps I should go try the Internet Bonsai Association rather than this place. Never in my life have I encountered arrogant assholes quite to the degree I've encountered them here. From my very first post up to now. It's rarer for people to actually address my questions than it is for them to give unsolicited opinions about the looks or suitability of my specimen.