Poignantly Pungent Pungens

took the wire off from fall and cut back a little for backbuds. I've seen taking the strong tips will slow down the branch thickening and of course bifurcate the branch too. i don't want these low branches going strong while i grow out the next trunk section.

i lost my cuttings to mold/fungus when i didn't have them sealed up good and it rained for a week. late summer my silverberry starts to push growth again, so it seemed like a good time to take cuttings. after a visit to the woodline i cut a new batch last night. i sprayed them down with hydrogen peroxide and then rinsed off before cutting. made them shorter this time and dripped a glob of clonex in the pre hole i punched in pre watered coco/perlite. after sticking, i pressed the substrate down for a good hold.

added some firethorn cuts last night and these guys were looking good. I've been choking with the fruiting trees lately, but im about to go on a killing spree.

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