Pinus Strobus-Don't hate

As the title implies.. I dont see how anyone could hate this tree. It looks like you also are getting tour needle length down some..great job on this tree.

Many condolences as well. So hard to lose beloved pets:(.
pharaoh - he was a great dane mix

Great name!
He looks like a pharaoh!

It sucks that you had to spend all that time mummifying him....

You did mummify him right?
And now you got a giant ass pyramid in your backyard!

Hope you're smiling!
Sorry for your loss!

Great name!
He looks like a pharaoh!

It sucks that you had to spend all that time mummifying him....

You did mummify him right?
And now you got a giant ass pyramid in your backyard!

Hope you're smiling!
Sorry for your loss!


I know you mean well but I find this in bad taste

Great work so far. I look forward to seeing progression in the next few years. Is the lowest branch above or below the graft? I cannot tell.

I actually removed that branch but it was right above the graft

Cool breed :)
Nice name too. He sure was a giga!

Thank you
Wait till the candles have hardened off before you do any work else you set the energy for the tree in a deficit for the year. You should be able to tell this by when the needle sheath starts to shed.
I hate to admit this but i guess i'm still a newb because i was trying to find somewhere that told me how to identify when conifers are hardening off. Unless my google skills are lacking it's hard finding that info. I just assumed it was the needle color getting a little darker and the buds showing up. I need to know that for collecting this summer. :cool:
Also i have been pinching off to two buds on EWP in spring for the most part except the lower branches i want to get strong...i kinda let those go free. You say the tree doesn't have the vigor, but it also back buds less if you don't pinch them off right? Or do i have it wrong?
I hate to admit this but i guess i'm still a newb because i was trying to find somewhere that told me how to identify when conifers are hardening off. Unless my google skills are lacking it's hard finding that info. I just assumed it was the needle color getting a little darker and the buds showing up. I need to know that for collecting this summer. :cool:
Also i have been pinching off to two buds on EWP in spring for the most part except the lower branches i want to get strong...i kinda let those go free. You say the tree doesn't have the vigor, but it also back buds less if you don't pinch them off right? Or do i have it wrong?

Gently pull the needles on new candles and if the come off then there still growing - if you give them a good tug and they stay on there your mostly likly good to go.

I don't do any work on this guy is early spring. I remove extra buds in fall down to two.

Wait till the candles have hardened off before you do any work else you set the energy for the tree in a deficit for the year. You should be able to tell this by when the needle sheath starts to shed.

After candles harden on white pine you can cut them back to 3-5 pairs of nedles if growth is strong- this can stimulate dorment buds
Ok, thanks....i will try that next year....I already pinched off in spring to 2 or 3 candles, per what i read...go figure.
Eastern white pine...To be clear mine is no where near bonsai styling ready I was just under the assumption that you would want to keep branches you are going to use as short and vigorous as possible while also trying to back bud closer to the branch. If you let whirls go into 5 or 6 candles won't that just thicken up the branch to much? Assuming the branch has good growth, which is would most likely if it has that many candles. As it stands now, the smaller collected pines i have in the ground have too long of branches but may be in an OK spot. By all means if i have this wrong then i would like to know. Trying to read info on pines that is consistent is frustrating at best, and most is not meant for my country let alone our short summers.:confused:
The confusion i have is reading that you should pick off the extra candles to where you only have 2-5 so that the tree isn't using wasted energy that you are going to clip off in fall anyways. Then again it seems guides group all pines together and not really giving details on anything but a JBP.
And no i don't hate Pinus strobus, although i wish they were a little shorter needles.
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This is mine. It was brought back to me by a friend of mine that went on vacation. It will not be staying in Texas..its to hot for it here, but it has short internodes and fairly short needles.
Sorry to hijack your thread Giga. I am going to play with this one when I go visit my dad.

This is mine. It was brought back to me by a friend of mine that went on vacation. It will not be staying in Texas..its to hot for it here, but it has short internodes and fairly short needles.
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Sorry to hijack your thread Giga. I am going to play with this one when I go visit my dad.


not sure if I'd call that short needles :rolleyes: This one needs to be ground grown and a sacrifice branch or two.
When it gets to my dads its going in the ground and staying there. I will play with it while its in the ground. It came to me in the pot. It does have shorter needles than most EWP I have seen..again just going to play with this one, not taking it serious as bonsai

I was given an EWP today by a coworker, I reckon I'm in for a Challenge. I will post pictures tomorrow, right now I'm looking like a Real Bonsai Nut transporting an 18 inch Charlie Brown looking Christmas Tree home on a bus. But its not the first nor will it be the last time for me doing this !
Well here's some images of this EWP ! Funny enough the guy who got it for me I call "Sarge " because he's a gruff veteran Chef, who barks orders. The tree has a female vibe in my eye but seems to be just as stubborn and ornery. I have no idea how I am gonna proceed with her other than letting the lowest branch grow as a sacrifice.20160930_101050.jpg 20160930_104442.jpg 20160930_104503.jpg
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