Permanently moving a Privet and Chinese Elm that have no leaves outside

Once I get the trees acclimated I don’t worry about the wind. I almost had a couple blown off monkey poles today, but fortunately I had wired them in place. I have a few J. maple seedlings sitting on the porch of my wife’s pottery shed to shelter them because I jsut transplanted them but my larch seedlings are out in the open. Your improvised temp shelter should work for now a d then they probably would be safe to put out once we get past the chill tomorrow night.
Windscreens are problematic for you. They catch the wind, not defect it. It moves 10,000 pound sailboats at high speeds. Put a couple bricks on the pots, the tree don't dislike wind, either. Moving air is superior static air. Just be aware that more moving air will desiccate the trees if they run dry and stay dry too long. Water generously, and they will be happy. Put them out now and keep them watered, they will be happier out there, and they will show it. Bricks are $1 apiece and act like a rock garden which mimics and is a man-made mountainside. Rocks cool their surroundings during mid-day sun by slowly absorbing heat, and warm overnight by slowly radiating that heat back locally. Having the plants with bricks underneath and on top is useful two ways, anti-overheating and weighing down. It works for me with this sailboat that has virtually no roots, having been clawed from a Arizona mountainside last October....
Not real classy, but right now the wind at my back is gusting at 19 mph from the NNW.
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