Pass Christian Pyracantha

Is that good or are they like junipers and should be removed? Foliage seems to have remained pretty much as it was in July. Beautiful tree.
It can handle a pretty big crop of berries, but the foliage growth stops when it's developing lots of fruit. It was slower this year, so I removed most of the berries to keep the foliage growing. It requires a pretty good haircut every couple weeks, even into November.

Wood...thanks, one of my favorite pots; its a good fit.
Brian, Nice marriage of pot and tree (with berries) or without. I really like the look of only a few berries vs covered. Good job!

Yes I agree with Gary. Love that pot with the tree punctuated by the red berries. Beautiful!
Unwired and pruned back. It wasn't repotted this year in anticipation of some top work; though it seems to need annual repotting. The wires were just starting to cut in, after 3 years.
It always looks ugly and ratty this time of year...not pretty until flowers start to show up.


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But when those flowers show up, what a show! Three years, wow, it's slooooow.
Before and after tidying up the canopy for the ABS spring show.


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My son's karate dojo is hosting a weekend karate seminar with some international guests, and his sensei asked if he could display a bonsai for the visitors and participants. The photos were horrible, but the tree looked nice. I believe the man in photo is of the founder of his dojo's form. No idea what the kanji says.


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I think I've seen videos of that old man. He can still kick arse well at his ripe old age.

I haven't looked at this tree for a while, so I know it hasn't "grown on me", it seems to be taking on its character and it is really looking better.

I love the deadwood at the base, and how it plays there to the root. It is "moving" better.

That is a really good picture of it too.

I'm starting to like this one!


The longer I work with them, and the more I see of the nice ones around here... The more I appreciate Pyracantha for Bonsai! I have found them to be really fast developing, beautiful in all seasons and very adaptable to living in pots...

Beautiful tree Brian!
Holy updates BVF!

I didn't know you were Jewish!



Thanks, give me a call if you want to swing by and see the trees.
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