Parsoni Juniper

The cultivar I get here in downstate NY tends to be like mugos in that they generally have multiple branches sprouting from the same spot like an octopus.
I'm glad that I found this post. I stopped by a local nursery and picked up a couple of Parsoni. The nursery isn't very well run and these were neglected. I've only cleaned and looked for the nebari on them. Here's a pic of the bigger one. My plan is to get its feet back underneath it, set structural wire on the leader to bend it back towards the trunk. Hopefully I can fertilize it this fall. I'm going to keep the main trunk there and remove or jin the rest when they get bigger. This coming spring I'll probably put it in a grow box that has a 1/8" screen on the bottom open to the ground. That will let the roots escape into the ground and benefit from microbes. I'm fairly new to bonsai and want to experiment, so we'll see. I'm going to keep one of them in the nursery soil and compare the results.

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