@Frozentreehugger ,@Pinenut , thanks for the much appreciated input!
I’d be lying though, if I said I wasn’t disappointed.
As soon as I purchased the greenhouse I started doing the research, and realized that I Was naïve in thinking a Greenhouse would help my wintering plans.
I much enjoy having a morning coffee or evening beer while being outside in a slightly more pleasant environment. I hope to make that a continued opportunity.
I do think I will take y’all’s advice and get thermex on the west and south walls. Non permanent though. One thing I love about my place is the outside space. Don’t want the greenhouse looking like a shanty, especially in the warm months.
I’ve treated the greenhouse plants the same way as the outside plants as far as being mulched and under benches.

I have 6 five gallon pails of ice distributed near the plants. I am currently leaving 4 vents plus the door slightly open as needed.
I plan on Getting a solar operated fan to mount in the peak of the greenhouse
I hope I don’t kill all the plants in here this year, but we all have to learn somehow.
I imagine if I have negative results, I will use the greenhouse any more traditional way, and stick to the old tried and true outside method of wintering.
I’d be lying though, if I said I wasn’t disappointed.
As soon as I purchased the greenhouse I started doing the research, and realized that I Was naïve in thinking a Greenhouse would help my wintering plans.
I much enjoy having a morning coffee or evening beer while being outside in a slightly more pleasant environment. I hope to make that a continued opportunity.
I do think I will take y’all’s advice and get thermex on the west and south walls. Non permanent though. One thing I love about my place is the outside space. Don’t want the greenhouse looking like a shanty, especially in the warm months.
I’ve treated the greenhouse plants the same way as the outside plants as far as being mulched and under benches.

I hope I don’t kill all the plants in here this year, but we all have to learn somehow.

I imagine if I have negative results, I will use the greenhouse any more traditional way, and stick to the old tried and true outside method of wintering.