Operation: Overwinter (As coldfolk)

I don't think our climates are very different. Having trees setting on concrete is not the same as setting on the ground or healed in to the rim of the pot on the ground. But if other Green Bay area growers tell you to protect, then you should protect.
I believe this due to the fact that my area is a 2-3 on the AHS for THIS little, Bay Area "pocket"

So... I almost had the coldframe finished...

I used dog food bags, Tyvek and tar paper to seal it up after last pictured... The walls were filled with a thin(ner) soil level..

The structure was slowly being disassembled for the last few weeks...

According to swelling/elongation..

I have lost NONE due to cold...but about 4 LOST to rabbits... and close to 10 others AFFECTED.

...not too bad... even wintered my Palmatum and Dwarf Yuapon in my coldframe IN a cold frame.. I didn't get to utilize the pit this year.
This year.. going with a different approach..

This is where I'm at today, with all the trees I will be "boxing". (Super exciting time-lapse shots! 🤦🏽‍♂️) The frame still needs to be assembled slowly, or I risk internal temperatures rising too far... Dang intense Northern Winter Sun!! 🤣IMG_20221109_162028.jpgIMG_20221110_143957.jpgIMG_20221110_144856.jpg
Same problem here. We see more damage from the southwest sun exposure than we do from the cold.
I'd focus your protection around that, and throw down a layer of gravel for drainage if you can.
Thank you.. I have screens I will be sliding underneath, also.
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