ONE MORE TIME! Yamadori Style Junipers

No problem Al, I know there are mixed feelings on their use in Bonsai anyway. I'll give it a shot, won't be out any $ other than wire and wrap.
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Yes I did. Problem is when I look at it, it is hard to see any detail since the whip was so close to the ground when it was wired. I figure in about three weeks I will be taking it out of the pot and planting this one in the ground. I think it will be easier to see whats going on then since the roots will be trailing behind.
Yes I did. Problem is when I look at it, it is hard to see any detail since the whip was so close to the ground when it was wired. I figure in about three weeks I will be taking it out of the pot and planting this one in the ground. I think it will be easier to see whats going on then since the roots will be trailing behind.
Fair enough. I was inspired to give one a little twist today and I'll post here in the future I guess. I forget, had you applied Shari or no?
I taped, wired, bent, coiled, twisted and scrunched a poor unsuspecting shimpaku two weeks ago. How long before I know whether it survived or not? If it's still green in the Spring is it safe to assume that it will make it?
The best answer would be when you see new growth. But even then more work too soon and it could depart as well. One major insult per growing cycle, your description of "taped, wired, bent, coiled, twisted and scrunched a poor unsuspecting shimpaku two weeks ago" would qualify as a major insult.
Shohin Itoigawa grafted on San Jose juniper...

They are all coming along real nice and did my second wiring last week on some of them... It has been two years now and ready to repot by spring in a 3 gallon training pot...The potentials are there but the joy of doing it is fun and very relaxing...enjoy....

qk 001a.jpg qk 011a.jpg qk 014a.jpg qk 030a.jpg qk 004a.jpg
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Well, finally took some decent pictures of my work last November. A little bit of dieback but I think it will pull through. Only before picture was taken with my iPad so it's not good quality.

Here is the 1st one as of May 3rd. Just a few months and they're growin like weeds. I got them pretty twisted up. It ain't gonna be easy getting the wire off, but hopefully I'll get some nice results after 5-10 years.
Twisted Juni 1.1.jpgTwisted Juni 1.2.jpgTwisted Juni 1.3.jpg
There are bonsai specific wire cutters that will make taking the wire off much easier and safer than trying to unwrap; making the assumption that this was what you were thinking of doing. Personally I unwrap when and where I can. I'm cheap and wire is expensive. I would rather re-use than replace. However; in this case unwraping is going to be impossible without damaging the tree and undoing all of the hard work you have done so far.
Can't believe I missed this thread! Al this is a fantastic, well thought out step by step demo. I will have to give this a try myself. Thank you to other posters for their great contributions as well!

Is there a preferred variety to use for this method like shimpaku??
Hey Vance, thanks. I'm right there with ya... I know about wire cutters. Just thinkin by the way these are growing and the time they're ready to get the wire off, theyre gonna be a tight little ball of mess. And I too try to save where I can. But I know this will be a project where that won't be the case. I'm ok with that for the sake of some gnarly little twisted junipers. But I'm right there with ya....
Hello, here is one that I did late last year. It seems to be recovering okay, I wish I had a before picture! I won the plant in a raffle and it was already in the PVC pipe, I guess someone was trying to develop exposed roots? I think I will plant it in the ground in September; any suggestions would be appreciated.

Twisted Juniper 1 (1024x768).jpgTwisted Juniper 2 (1024x768).jpg
Got this one weekend before last at Bonsai West, some shari, helmet reduction and lots of wire in it's future.

Had some whips twisted and wired, but seeing these I couldn't wait for the whips.


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styled this san jose this summer. It was a bush i picked up from the Dallas bonsai convention. i wish i had a before pic....
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