Olive Clump


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San Francisco, CA
My parents want to get rid of this olive tree, and I thought it might make a nice clump. Worth cutting it back and holding onto it? Would it be an okay season to cut it back if so? I know getting it in better soil will be a priority as well- would Boon's mix be best?




nice nebari. I wouldn't know what to do with it, but it does look promising to me. Probably needs to be chopped back to first branch.
Jesus Bro!

Life moves too fast!

Nice Olive!

I am always amazed at the vitality and will to live with these trees. They just want to keep on growing. It gives me hope when I get my first tree going.

Still doing my research and I am on serious budget constraints. This forum is awesome to troll and see the progress of various trees.
I am always amazed at the vitality and will to live with these trees. They just want to keep on growing. It gives me hope when I get my first tree going.

Still doing my research and I am on serious budget constraints. This forum is awesome to troll and see the progress of various trees.
Yes- definitely certain trees more than others, but most are amazingly resilient if you give them proper care.

Keep up the research and keep your eyes out- you can acquire some fairly good material to learn on for cheap/free if you look in the right places!
Beautiful tree, Adair. I like the single trunk idea too. My biggest reservation is how many scars in the nebari it would create which would need healing, but I guess that's just the nature of the game.

Quick mockup of possible single trunk using an existing bud (my new laptop has a built in pen that I'm having way too much fun with...)

Update after 2 months of growth... this thing is growing like a weed! Hoping to find some time to work on it after my exams this block.

@Adair M do you have any tips for dealing with suckers? I swear I have to pinch a few off every week. Will they eventually settle down?

Update after 2 months of growth... this thing is growing like a weed! Hoping to find some time to work on it after my exams this block.

@Adair M do you have any tips for dealing with suckers? I swear I have to pinch a few off every week. Will they eventually settle down?

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No, sucker removal is just part of the maintenance.

You really do need to shorten those sticks.

When the new shoots are about this size, it's a great time to wire them. They're still flexible, and will lignify in a month or so. Then remove the wire and cut back to two or three leaves. Yes, you will remove much of what you wired! So pay attention when you wire and put good movement at the base of each twig.
Hear hear on stick removal! IMHO, a well developed single trunk on top of that awesome base is the way to go. I have two "yardadori" clumps and regret leaving any scrap of previous trunks. Just sayin' (as "they" say.)
Appreciate all the tips. The sticks will definitely go, just wanted to leave all my options open when I chopped it. It's looking like twin trunk is the most likely future plan, but I'll see where the bonsai spirit takes me :)
I don't know what your winters are like, but make sure you do your chop when the tree is growing strongly, and the weather is hot.
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