It depends on what you are trying to do! You want it to grow a thicker trunk? None of the above! Only start candle pruning and stuff once you have the trunk you need and are ready to develop ramification and smaller needles. Until that point just prune for shape and branch selection, maybe do some wiring... That is the trouble with all this "great info" about bonsai training being so readily available on the internet! A majority of it is geared towards finished trees but most of us have trees that need development not FINISHING.
If you do have a big ole honking trunk that is ready for refinement, go ahead and candle prune, but I think you wait later even for JBP... That too seems to depend though on whether you are planning to just reduce the growth some- pinch the candles around now... Or if you are trying to completely decandle the tree which is done in the summer normally I believe.