I think this is a good chinese elm, for what normally is sold in stores. With a little bit of work this can be a nice litte tree.
I am going o paste a proposed branch structure here. Thing to remember is that bonsai is a 3D hobby, yet images are 2D. So this is only an approximation.
Some basic guides:
- Each location can only have one side-branch: A trunk has one branch in a spot, and branches only split into twos. WIth this guideline you could go through the whole tree and thin out any spot were three-way splits occur.
- You want to avoid branches growing towards the trunk. Imagine all branches radiating outward, away from the trunk. Remove of reposition branches that grow inwards
- You want taper in the branches. (If you have the choice between trimming a thick or a thin continuation, normally you keep the thinner one, as long as it keeps enough material to fill the canopy locally)
- As you follow the trunk upwards, you aim for getting ever smaller branches
This is what I can see as realistic after a season of growth. All main branches are already in place so this is based on your current branch structure, but with trimming, wiring and regrowing. You might need to remove two or so branches in the top: