I joined this forum recently because of my new interest in bonsai,…and encountered this thread. I’m no way an expert of either bonsai or elm, but I can give you advice on paludarium setup. Rules can be broken through experimenting. The art of bonsai is a result of experimentation. (Try to go to a saltwater forum and say you run your tank Synthetic Dutch method aka no water change. You will face a lot of challengers.)
For a paludarium setup, lighting-water-airflow-placement are important things to consider. I saw that some of your leaves turned yellow. It could be a light shock situation where you didn’t acclimate the trees properly with ramping up the light slowly. High-end LED can burn your plant depends on which brands you are using. I’m not sure what your current plan is for the tank and if it has changed from the original post. Maybe you can give us an update on its current status?
if elm requires a dormancy period, maybe you can build this tank around its requirement: lighting simulation, temp drop, etc. it can go pretty high tech and time consuming!! Or can you plant your elms in a way that you can remove them from the main tank for dormancy without compromise the aesthetics?
Paludarium pic attached for credential

(don’t come for me) A lot of plants’ placements took a lot of consideration and planning because they are all from different climate around the world but they all work and thrive for years.

I hope you can find a way to make your situation work and everything happy!
I am currently “experimenting” growing trees indoor too but I won’t post until I’m confident with the finished result. Cheers!