The Treedeemer
early 2018
Shindeshojo, nishiki-gawa, arakawa and Sango-kaku, I think.
This is normal mail-order stock, selling at about 8-12E in Europe. In USA you should be able to get similar. It does time though to grow into big trees.
Getting big nursery stock also works, but be selective in what you buy. Go for cutting grown, or wild- palmatum seedling grown. If not, layer off.
Shindeshojo, nishiki-gawa, arakawa and Sango-kaku, I think.
This is normal mail-order stock, selling at about 8-12E in Europe. In USA you should be able to get similar. It does time though to grow into big trees.
Getting big nursery stock also works, but be selective in what you buy. Go for cutting grown, or wild- palmatum seedling grown. If not, layer off.