Hi, I am fairly new to bonsai. I've been studying and piddling with it for the last year or two now but there are still so many questions that I have and I feel like they would be best answered by those of you who have vast experience in the area so here we are. I have a few starter trees. I have a kousa dogwood, a trident maple, a couple azaleas, a bald cypress, and a poorly finished Chinese elm. The trident maple is about 1/4" caliper as is the dogwood and azaleas. Are these too small to start with? My Chinese elm is curved more than I would like but has about a 4" trunk. Is there any way to straighten it to an informal upright? Also there are so many scars on the trunk from poor wiring and branch removal. The cypress I just got from a nursery it's about 7-8' tall from the pot. When I do my initial chop (for formal upright) after I've angled the cut and blended it with a rasp do I need to treat it with something to avoid an unsightly scar? I have more questions but I'll get to them later. Thanks in advance for your imput.