How many REAL bonsai discussions/questions have you posted on lately?

I'm with Catfish...I tend to do things my way when it comes to design. I've worked with trees ( dead and alive), landscaping and gardening my whole life. Invaluable experience. I've been working on Bonsai for almost 3 years. I read ALOT...I post virtually nothing. I only ask a question if I can't find the answer reading...the fact's intimidating posting here! I don't think it should be:(. That being said, I will try and participate more often and post some pics of my trees:).
This forum has been very helpful to thanks to all for imparting your knowledge!!
Hi fraser.. You should never be intimidated to post here. Yes, things get pretty out of hand, but there is a lot of good input in there as well. The best information and usual the most correct, comes from an explanation of the critique or comment.

Although it does sometimes end up in a free for all around I can remember other sites, such as bonsai talk years ago.. Those were some pretty brutal was like the UFC of the bonsai world. Bonsai nut is more like the UFC with more rules..opps.. sorry, I said the word "rules", some do not like that here.. I meant, "guidelines" ;) On second thought, I take it back, I am sticking with the word "rules".. Take that bonsai rebel society.:cool:

Rob, what are these "rules" you speak of? :p I've seen no evidence of them here!

Seriously, it can be intimidating to start threads about one's trees. Not so much because of the potential for negative comments, as I realize that everyone sees things differently, and I have developed a thicker "internet skin" over the years. What's worse is posting a thread and getting no responses. I've had that happen on other forums, ouch!

Rob, what are these "rules" you speak of? :p I've seen no evidence of them here!

Seriously, it can be intimidating to start threads about one's trees. Not so much because of the potential for negative comments, as I realize that everyone sees things differently, and I have developed a thicker "internet skin" over the years. What's worse is posting a thread and getting no responses. I've had that happen on other forums, ouch!


Ya, there was no mercy years ago.. The comments were like.. "This will never be a good bonsai" and "It looks like it got run over by a truck".;)

I will venture out I like and highly respect the rules of bonsai. Although I believe each tree that is designated to be a bonsai deserves to be the best it can be from an individual tree, point of view. I have always embraced the Japanese aethetics in regards to their rules and guidelines.

A FWIW, for all you newbies who may not know, the "masterpiece" under our names really has nothing to do with experise, necessarily. That tag is obtained when you post a certain number of comments. It is more of a gauge of participation.

Oh darn it ... I thought that I could one day be like Kimura or even Mr Miha :pgi
I've been growing trees in pots for 2 years. I have not created a bonsai yet. I'm still a newb.
I can comment and offer advice on growing trees in pots, at least the species I have experience with.
I try not to post on topics I am not experienced in unless its starting to get buried and may be missed. Even then Ill always say so and so is more experienced with that, maybe he can help better.
Nothing wrong with that.

Yes I'm aware that the designation under our names is related to post count.
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