New juniper to work over

I was gonna mention it but I thought let's see who says something. Thanks Greg you made my day. While at muranakas I offered him a cold one from my cooler he said no till I got to the cactus coolers. His favorite too.

You know, I didn't even notice the tree, but that catus cooler. Omg I miss them
Well....the log awaited first styling. Let it grow another year then do it all over again. There is a tree in there, just have to coax it out.


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Lottsa' power in a lil' package. Looks great!!:cool:
Awesome work and really gives the trunk a lot more ummph!!!
These first cut outs are kinda lame, but are necessary for the future of the tree. In the future the branches will be more defined and the foliage fuller with a nice rounded top. Obviously the pot will be smaller and the whole tree will be more compact.
A simple virt:

Are you planning to develop mature scale foliage on this one, or just work with the immature needle foliage?
Constant pruning will keep it juvenile though. Will be very hard on small juniper as John G has mentioned. I don't mind either way.
Constant pruning will keep it juvenile though. Will be very hard on small juniper as John G has mentioned. I don't mind either way.

Thank you for sharing this one. Looks good and your plans for it are solid. I have been playing with the thought of doing similar and discussed it with my Wife - she could not envision it but I will show her this one. Again, thanks!

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