New Chinese Elm Buds in Winter

02FDB6DC-B896-455B-B1A5-69AE7052A2A1.png 86D8941F-6545-42AD-BC5D-8B7E06FE921B.png Is this the one? Just checking online, am I looking at the right thing?
Loving the leaf size btw


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@jonty500 my tree arrived an hour ago and I’ve literally only been staring at it this whole time. I’m blown away by how tiny and petite the leaves are. Anyways, I only see the normal dormant buds hanging around and waiting, but not showing any signs of pushing out. From all the extensive research I’ve done these past few days, the interwebs reckons that this tree is only semi deciduous so some will shed leaves and some will hang on throughout the winter. But again, I’m in zone 9, so for my case it’s perfectly normal if a tree decides to tough it out through the winter.
Sorry I can’t be of any real help, enjoy this attached real photo of my real tree with my real finger.
One of my Elms turned red and I’m loving how it looks.


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Here is one of my Chinese elms. They all look like this one. They don't change color or loose their leaves. Kind of disappointing. Some of my trees have new growth.


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Too hot and dry. Trees growing naturally here go into "summer dormancy" from July - Sept. Any new growth during that time would be too tender to withstand the heat and sun. All my deciduous are under shade cloth during this time of year. Many species will experience a "false spring" growing season from Oct - Dec. All my live oaks, for example, are pushing new growth right now.
I have a false spring going on a Catlin elm of mine right now.. homie is not happy but may be able to save the tightest buds for the spring... IF it freezes (big if here in Arizona) I will leave him where he sits and deal with a slow start in the spring
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