Hi guys
I’ve recently bought 2 new Azaleas from a bonsai nursery.
I've been into bonsai for 2 years, so relatively new, particularly to azaleas.
I think these could be beautiful plants, maybe not masterpieces, after a bit of work, but I need some advice from the more experienced.

As you can see the plant already has a nice nebari, I'm happy with its size.
First of all I removed some crossing branches as soon as I brought it home, now new green leaves are starting to show.
My goal would be to make the plant more compact, especially in the lower part where, as you can see, there are some long branches without leaves or that one with tag.
The upper part of the plant already appears more compact.
I know that Azaleas can back bud easely, but you know, i’m thinking twice before cutting back long branches with only final leaves, being scared of losing important branches.

The second azalea is different, in a less advanced stage, the nebari is good, as is the trunk but I'm still not satisfied with its size.
Also no primary branches, just lots of long shots, and no new growth to be seen at the moment, but I think the plant is in good health so it's just a matter of time.
My goal here would be to select the primary branches and remove all others,let them grow until they reach the right thickness, but trying to avoid what was already seen in the first azalea, long thick branches without leaves.
Having made some mistakes in other non-azaleas plants I own, that have caused branch death, I don't want to make the same mistake again.
therefore feel free any type of advice, be it making the plant more compact, selecting the right branches, or anything you wants.
I’ve recently bought 2 new Azaleas from a bonsai nursery.
I've been into bonsai for 2 years, so relatively new, particularly to azaleas.
I think these could be beautiful plants, maybe not masterpieces, after a bit of work, but I need some advice from the more experienced.

As you can see the plant already has a nice nebari, I'm happy with its size.
First of all I removed some crossing branches as soon as I brought it home, now new green leaves are starting to show.
My goal would be to make the plant more compact, especially in the lower part where, as you can see, there are some long branches without leaves or that one with tag.
The upper part of the plant already appears more compact.
I know that Azaleas can back bud easely, but you know, i’m thinking twice before cutting back long branches with only final leaves, being scared of losing important branches.

The second azalea is different, in a less advanced stage, the nebari is good, as is the trunk but I'm still not satisfied with its size.
Also no primary branches, just lots of long shots, and no new growth to be seen at the moment, but I think the plant is in good health so it's just a matter of time.
My goal here would be to select the primary branches and remove all others,let them grow until they reach the right thickness, but trying to avoid what was already seen in the first azalea, long thick branches without leaves.
Having made some mistakes in other non-azaleas plants I own, that have caused branch death, I don't want to make the same mistake again.
therefore feel free any type of advice, be it making the plant more compact, selecting the right branches, or anything you wants.