Azaleas I'm working on

And I knocked off some flower buds on this Chinzan one dqy when I was moving it around. So I only got flowers on one side.
2018-06-03 14.01.22.jpg
Sitting on that bench in the shade really makes the flowers seem more vibrant. I'm pretty excited that my Chinzan made it safely through the winter and is blooming now also.

It usually sits on the bench behind this one but gets a front row seat in May. Chinzan is definitely one of my favorite azaleas. I like Gumpo a lot too but white flowers aren't traditional for Japanese gardens. I may jave to search the nurseries for one though as I feel like I want more than one azalea. Glad yours made it through your winter and I hope it turns into something special!
I've been doing the same here. Still have 2 holding on.
Down to the one Chinzan Azalea that I'm still growing as a Bonsai. Everything else has been planted around in the yard. I have enjoyed the show this one put on this year.
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Oh my! I was thinking how gorgeous all the flowering pictures were and then I got to this one. It’s so beautiful I am speechless.
Picked up a new azalea yesterday and did a little work on it this morning. It has a nice fat trunk and a great base but had gotten pretty leggy and needed pruning the clusters of 3 and 4 branches back to 2. I totally forgot to take a pic before I started but this was pretty close.


Mostly pruned and a few pieces of wire.


Decided to changed the intended front and did some more pruning. Probably still need to cut back that upper right some more now that I see the pic.


I love the base.


Hopefully I can do this tree justice. I'll probably let it grow and fill in for a couple years and get it into a nice pot in 2023 if I can resist that long.
Love this thread and also loved the twin trunk/ semi-cascade you had going. Each one is so special! Here to see the updates on your great work. Got great inspiration. Wish I could find for cheap satsukis or kurumes here in houston but most nurseries jsut go with Encore, unfortunately :(
Looks like you are having lots of fun practising on your azaleas!

I really like your back planting the trees in the garden after styling. Is it your thought to dig them at some point and rework these into pots when they put on some muscle?

DSD sends
Looks like you are having lots of fun practising on your azaleas!

I really like your back planting the trees in the garden after styling. Is it your thought to dig them at some point and rework these into pots when they put on some muscle?

DSD sends
Most of the ones I've planted out I just decided not to develop anymore as bonsai but I would never say never.
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